Everyday I have to block dozen of "x"-moe communities while scrolling the main feed. Is there an easier way to purge anime from main page?
dont really care for the medium anymore, plus I just never liked looking and the stuff that looks like pedo shit. wouldn't care if it was like once a day but there's literally ten new ones i have to block every single day
also not quite happy about browsing my sfw app in public and suddenly a half naked loli landing on my screen.
I've blocked the whole instance ani.social and since then I don't get softcore anime tits anymore.
Was a tough choice because instances usually host a ton of other communities and users but it just became unbearable like you mentioned.
edit: a side-effect is that users from a blocked instance replying to your comments will not show up in your inbox. Figured I should mention that so you can weigh the pro's and con's
I'm not sure what you mean exactly... Just looked in my block list and I've blocked yiffit.net and like 6 or so anime communities, and I don't remember the last time I had anime in my all feed.
Just supposition but a few reasons I can think of...
There must be a lot of crossover between people who have the skills to host an instance, people who have the time to host an instance, and people who enjoy this type of imagery.
Also, there's no honor among thieves.
These guys persons are flirting with danger in many cases. I'm pretty sure the law in my jurisdiction considers anime to be CSAM if a reasonable person is likely to conclude that the person depicted is a minor.
What I'm saying is someone might be willing to walk that line with whatever niche community they want to host because they can manage their own risks. However it would be a huge risk to host other communities lest you fall afoul of the law.
It really isn't that much IMO. You'll get used to blocking more. Don't keep scrolling and just block what you don't want while being respectful of others that do like it. I have somewhere around 300 blocked communities in nearly 2 years all for various reasons. This ain't reddit. No one is manipulating you for retention, but no one is tailoring and babying you either. It takes a little effort to prune the list. Most if not all of this is on reddit too, but you were less targeted by it there, assuming that is where you come from. It took me awhile to adjust to this mentality. Now I am not bothered at all by simply blocking each community. There are not more than a dozen or so people regularly posting anime stuff that I can see from my account on LW.
Yeah agreed, I had to do it too for French and German stuff, I wish I could read whatever they’re posting but I can’t so I just block it but mean no offense.
are you blocking the actual communities because like I don't know what might be wrong with my feed but I don't even think I have seen 10 communitites. are you maybe just blocking users?
I mean I have not been paying much attention except for church of thighentology but just checked there and a quick scroll or two showed different people posting.
This is a sorting feature of Lemmy, your Subscription feed shows only the communities you've subscribed too. But with Lemmy being small-ish in daily active users, sorting by All isn't too uncommon. I'm pretty sure this is what's going on with OP, or at least that what I assumed here.
Thank you. I wish I had the same audacity to smuggly correct native anglophones botching my language with their colonizers pig noises but alas, I am too patient.