Superman Smashes the Klan is loosely based on a 16-part episode story-arc, "Clan of the Fiery Cross", from the radio serial Adventures of Superman which ran from June to July 1946.[3][6][8] In the radio serial, "Superman exposed Ku Klux Klan codewords, rituals, and its bigotry—all based on intel collected by activist Stetson Kennedy—before a national audience. The show damaged the group's reputation and led to a steep decline in membership from which the KKK never recovered".[6]
Fuckin' illegal immigrants from Krypton takin' real American superheroes JERBS! Of course he works for the librul mainstream media at the Daily Planet! /S
I was thinking the picture wasn’t too representative - one black kid and one redhead - but then I saw the tiny Asian kid… Good message, put the drawing is a product of the times I guess…