So does that mean they're going to drop the South China sea thing and leave Taiwan be? Stop trying to push other nations around? Or are they going to stay organ harvesting, genocidal hypocrits? I know which one I'm betting on
On Reddit too. You'll see alot more of it everywhere as the US hands over global dominance to China and their soft power increases, until it presumably becomes as ubiquitous as american propaganda and you don't notice it anymore
Warranted. Look at their progress, their lack of aggression and social cohesion. They're winning mate. Maybe we'd better stop jeering and start taking notes. From an Aussie UK bloke who is not on Xi's payroll.
A big thing that's been weighing on my mind recently has been the impending threat of climate change. Who is actually going to be able to step up and potentially prevent our extinction as a species? It's definitely not America. Europe has too many incoming threats to be able to focus on the climate crisis. In terms of world powers, it sure seems like the PRC is the only chance humanity will have, as long as we can convince them to care.
I don't like that, but I don't see another option. I guess if our options are extinction as a species or the Chinese model, I'll choose the Chinese model.
China's only really become comparable to the US in the past couple decades. Give it some time. Their increasingly heavy-handed posturing around Taiwan for instance seems to say they're well on their way.
This is a neo-colonists project. USAID actually did a lot of good things. I dare you to show an example of Chinese foreign aid that did the good things that USAID did.
Belt and road very likely passing through Syunik, Armenia, and in that project most likely devised as area occupied by Azerbaijan in near future, right? And before that passing through Artsakh, which is already occupied by Azerbaijan and ethnically cleansed. F-ck, they've even demolished a prehistoric megalith because they can't tell the difference between that and something Armenian.
Not being too assertive, just - this particular part concerns my family and part of my heritage, so there's need to mention it.
Anyway, China still occupies Tibet. And - you don't need to make war if you can just buy aboriginal elites, like in Central Asian countries, and some sub-Saharan African ones.