No no - part of the reason he’s crashing the market is because he’s pretty much definitely telling his portfolio people to short EVERYTHING right now and then buy at the bottom.
The fucker who used to constantly talk about the stock market being the gauge of his success suddenly doesn't care its tanking? Who would have guessed?
Because he can't see past correlation to causation.
... Not that any sane person actually expected better, of course.
But the fact he's caving on auto manufacturing tariffs means he is correctable. A good, if meager signal. Although, I can't imagine how many showers I'd need to feel ok about whatever I had to say to or do to sway him.
On second thought, fuck those corpos too. They're not doing it for the right reasons either. If it happens to protect a few jobs in the short term, then good, I suppose. But I don't for a second expect there won't also be layoffs to further pad executive bonuses in the name of "shareholder value".
The guy who walked out at the peak of COVID deaths to celebrate the stock market crossing 30,000 in his first term is suddenly not interested? He must have thought that made him look real good. Something going wrong now? Sick failing fucker.
The amount of denial on The Hill is certainly flooding the valley. Get ready for a bumper crop. Too bad anything good will rot in the fields while attracting rats and snakes.