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Defence analysts warn U.S. will control key systems on F-35 fighter jets, putting Canada at risk
  • Nah! Cmon my dude, Putin is very trustable and would never place kill switches in export Su-57s.

    I mean just look at him! how can you imagine him doing such a horrendous thing such as installing a kill switch on export Su-57s? Putin is very great guy! Just don’t ask what happened to Iranian Tor-M1s.

  • The Crisis Engulfing the French Left
  • Leftist infighting? A tale as old as time.

  • Defence analysts warn U.S. will control key systems on F-35 fighter jets, putting Canada at risk
  • Algeria is already purchasing Su-57s from Russia, perhaps Canada should call Putin up?

    No no, he would not place kill switches in them. What do you mean that Putin once gave Israel the codes for Iran’s Russian-supplied Tor-M1 air defense systems? Pure nonsense!

    But seriously, cmon Canada, sell your F-35s to my beloved Putin in exchange for Su-57s! It would be the best trade agreement of all time.

  • Trump's pause on Ukraine aid is like the U.S. switching sides in WWII, expert says
  • Russia does not have an ideology like Nazi Germany where they need "living space". The only other countries I see Russia ever invading is the Baltic states due to them discriminating against Russians with Russians in Estonia for example not being given citizenship unless they were born there before 1940. This means an old grandma who has lived there for 80 years was not granted citizenship by her own government due to her ethnicity.

    I personally don't think an invasion into the Baltic States would be justified. But at the same time, it is a reminder that maybe you should not piss off a major power that borders you by massacring or stripping away the freedoms of said country's ethnicity.

    Russia invading the Baltic States is rather likely in my opinion due to Russia launching one of the largest military buildups in human history and the weakest point in NATO is the Suwalki Gap which would allow the Russians to easily isolate the Baltic States from the rest of NATO. Russia launching an offensive into the Suwalki Gap means NATO would be given a Fait Accompli where they either accept the loss of those countries or face larger war.

    Not that I justify such an invasion. I don't even think this invasion is justified as I view it as a grey vs grey war where both sides are bad.

  • ‘Watershed moment’: EU leaders agree plan for huge rise in defence spending
  • Except most of the Russian military is not in Ukraine.

    The war in Ukraine is mostly fought with irregulars who are not given the best of equipment. Why waste good equipment on poorly trained irregulars?

    Russia had 170 BTGs fully composed of professional soldiers at the start of 2021 but only sent in 64-69 of them in 2022. Russian BTGs were also sent into Ukraine at half strength. This is similar to what happened during the war in Donbas with BTGs keeping half of their strength at home, again similar to War in Donbas.

    The majority of forces in Ukraine are from irregular volunteer formations recruited from regions across Russia. There is a reason why losses for professionals are so low. Aside from these formations, there is also 51st GCAA and 3rd GCAA made up of former Donetsk and Luhansk units. There is also 3rd AC which is a irregular volunteer formation that was formed during the Ukrainian offensive in Kharkov where Russian professionals withdrew under the cover of 3rd AC who was thrown into the meat grinder to stem the tide.

    Motorized Rifles: 6,457

    VDV: 3,257

    Naval Infantry: 1,305

    Tank Crew: 1,806

    Artillery: 851

    Special Forces: 736

    Engineering: 291

    Navy: 291

    VVS: 265

    Other: 957

    Total: 16,216

    Source: MediaZona

    For comparison:

    US losses from 2003-2005 mainly against insurgents: 5175

    Source: Defense Casualty Analysis System

    MediaZona also proves that the majority of losses now are volunteers from irregular volunteer formations. These are irregular volunteer formations by the way:






    These irregular volunteer formations rely on their local regional government to supply them with weapons and equipment not the federal government. This is well shown by the Tuvan volunteers who come from the poorest region in Russia which shows in their equipment:


    They also rely heavily on donations:




    Thankfully Chechnya has recently taken on the burden of training and equipping them (why you see them being shipped from Chechnya) as shown here:




    Chechnya training and sending more batches of volunteers from across Russia to the SMO zone:



  • Trump to revoke legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians as US steps up deportations
  • Personally, I’d expect Mexico to be first considering Trump had sent in elements of 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, and additional support units which includes elements of 82nd ABN DIV, 101st ABN DIV, 4th ID, and 10th Mountain Brigade to the southern border a couple days ago.

    Additional units albeit National Guard are being prepared to be deployed such as the 36th ID, 1st Squadron, and 124th CAV REG.

  • Turkey says 26 PKK militants were killed in military operations despite peace efforts
  • Meanwhile, the leader of the U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces has said Ocalan’s call for a ceasefire does not apply to his group in Syria….. The Turkish government, however, says all Kurdish groups it claims are tied to the PKK — whether in Turkey, Syria or Iraq — must disband.

    Turkey once again hating on the most democratic region of Syria.


  • ‘Watershed moment’: EU leaders agree plan for huge rise in defence spending
  • Yes because everything you disagree with is either propaganda or part of a troll farm. Don’t like my data? Find me better ones.


    How I love the standard NAFO reply of “muh propaganda!”

  • Trump says he's not even looking at stock market, tariffs will make U.S. 'very strong'
  • Hmm yes he is totally not conducting market manipulation.

  • Connecticut governor returns from trade mission to India with a broken arm
  • Why does so many Americans argue in favor of keeping their ineffective, inefficient, and expensive healthcare system instead of having a single payer healthcare system akin to Canada or something akin to Singapore’s healthcare system?

  • Zelensky: US citizens in Ukraine hotel struck by Russia
  • Seems like Russia forced an agreement, then called it invalid when Ukraine stuck to the terms.

    What do you mean? The "agreement quickly broke down, with violations by both sides."

    That doesn't sound like Ukraine sticking to the terms.

    Russia claimed that the Minsk agreements did not apply to their operations in Debaltseve and Ukraine used similar arguments when launching their own operations into grey zones as you can see here:

    “Yuriy Biriukov, an adviser to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, says that almost the entire “grey” zone in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, has been liberated from Russian-led forces without breaching the Minsk peace agreements and is under control of the Ukrainian army.”

    Zelenskyy refused to federalize the country despite Ukraine having the obligation to give eastern territories autonomy through federalizing the country because of the Minsk Agreements. Ukraine also had the obligation to uphold linguistic rights to ethnic minorities but violated the Minsk Agreements with the 2019 language law which didn’t outright ban the Russian language but did discriminate against those who did not speak Ukrainian or an EU language.

    Yeh, so Russia wasn’t happy. And instead of going “this isnt in the spirit of the agreement” decided to botch an invasion, and is now targeting civilian targets.

    You can claim that Ukraine not upholding the Minsk Agreements doesn't justify the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine, you'd be right but that doesn't mean that Zelenskyy's actions did not have a hand in starting it. Although personally, I see Russia's 2022 relatively nice peace terms to be proof that while the invasion is horrendous, the current narrative is nonsense as well.

    Ukraine isn’t targeting civilians.

    Belgorod disagrees, with one shelling in the center of Belgorod for example killing 21 including 3 children.

  • Syrian forces in deadly clashes with Assad-linked fighters in Latakia
  • It seems like Allawites in Latakia are staging an uprising with remnants of the former Assad regime launching attacks across the country (but mostly in Lakatia).

    This has to be some coordinated attack, it is too sudden. If you asked me yesterday if the Syrian civil war would heat up again, I would have said no but things might change due to recent events.

    Pro-Assad forces also have just taken control of the Latakia naval academy.

    Edit: Commander of the Russian Forces in Syria, General Yuryevich stated this:

    “If HTS convoys approach Khmeimim, we will turn them into ashes. We are monitoring the situation closely.”

    Also, Anti-HTS forces have taken control of artillery batteries on top of Mount Yunus, the highest strategic peak on the Syrian coast.

  • ‘Watershed moment’: EU leaders agree plan for huge rise in defence spending
  • No way dude! But with what industry though?

    In all seriousness, Russia was producing 20-30 T-90Ms per month (or 240-360 per year) in 2024 going off of monthly deliveries. The entirety of Europe cannot even match this. The only country I am aware of that can produce this many tanks per month is South Korea and China. This has likely increased since then but due to increased OPSEC, there have been no videos of batches of T-90Ms (or even T-72B3s) being delivered. But missile production has doubled since 2024 so I would not be surprised that tank production has also doubled to 40-60 per month (480-720 per year).

    I have been keeping track of T-90M deliveries for a while now:










    It was always around 20-30 per month last year. This means Russia produces more tanks than the amount the entire German military has in a single year. And as I stated, this likely has doubled but it is impossible to verify as OPSEC means we have not seen any deliveries on video for half a year now. Europe can't even produce their own ballistic missiles which have been a game changer in Ukraine as shown by the effectiveness of ATACMS and Iskander-M.

    Russia is producing more shells than the entirety of Europe combined who struggles to supply Ukraine with even a million shells (while Russia was producing 3 million per year in 2024).

  • Top Trump allies hold secret talks with Zelenskyy’s Ukrainian opponents – POLITICO
  • The “separatists” were the Russian troops

    Nope, it was even before GRU war criminal Igor Girkin became Minister of Defence of the Donetsk People's Republic.

    Vice News Dispatch which I suggest watching

    From Wikipedia:

    "The Daily Telegraph reported that some locals thought that most of the between five and twenty people killed were innocent civilians"

    "The troops moving out of the city shot at unarmed civilians, according to The Guardian."

    "Anna Neistat from Human Rights Watch stated "my preliminary findings suggest that Ukrainian units might indeed have used excessive force near the drama theater, which resulted in deaths and injuries of some unarmed people" and urged a full, thorough investigation."

    The civilians even shown their passports which provided proof that they were not Russian.

    If you want, I can PM you footage of said massacre where Ukraine shot into a crowd of unarmed civilians.

    Also the majority of DPR and LPR forces were locals. People like to quote Girkin who stated that the War in the Donbas would not have happened without him but they forget the rest of the quote. Girkin was stating that the separatists would have been crushed without the intelligence and weapons he provided them naming Mariupol as an example where the anti-Maidan movement got crushed as the unarmed civilians had no support and got gunned down by the AFU. He never said that he was the one who caused the unrest, only that it would have gotten crushed without his weapons and intelligence. Outside of volunteers from Russia or Crimea, the actual Russian Armed Forces did not participate outside of providing weapons and intelligence in any significant number until 2015 when DPR and LPR forces were being pushed back leading to Russia sending BTGs into Ukraine.

  • Trump changes course and delays tariffs on Mexico, but they remain in place for Canada
  • He doesn’t even remember signing the USMCA and unknowingly insulted himself for signing it.

  • ‘Watershed moment’: EU leaders agree plan for huge rise in defence spending
  • Shore up aid how? With UK’s nonexistent SPGs (they sent basically their entire SPG fleet into Ukraine) and Poland’s SPG fleet that has already been gutted in half from SPG deliveries to Ukraine? Or Germany’s 1 trillion euro aid package proposal to Ukraine which nearly won the horrendous AFD party the election?

  • The GOP budget would require Medicaid cuts, budget office confirms
  • Clearly yet more tax cuts for the oligarchs is more important than the health of the American people.

  • Top Trump allies hold secret talks with Zelenskyy’s Ukrainian opponents – POLITICO
  • I see, you are one of those non delusional types, sorry for those assumptions.

  • Zelensky: US citizens in Ukraine hotel struck by Russia
  • But it’s zelenskys fault that Russia invaded

    Yes, he failed to implement Minsk II as he claimed he would during his election campaign.

    Instead, Ukraine proceeded to implement new language laws which discriminated against the Russian language (going against the agreement), continued to imprison and torture political dissidents after the agreement was made as per Amnesty International which was also in violation of the Minsk Agreement which explicity stated that Ukraine was not allowed to imprison or punish people due to events related to the war in Donbas. Ukraine also refused to allow local elections in violation of the agreement.

    "Ukraine insists that local elections can take place only after a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of all Russian troops and weapons.

    Clear violation of the agreement as the entire agreement was Ukraine allows local elections, Russia withdraws then everyone’s happy. Russia can’t do its part if Ukraine doesn’t. The agreement specifically stated that elections come first and then withdrawal not the other way around. Ukraine clearly violated the agreement.

    Or, it’s a military target? Without children and civilians?

    Hiroshima was a military target but we both can agree that there were civilians there.

    There weren’t military personnel there?

    There indeed was, please check the guy at the last second of this video

    Unless you want to argue that a humanitarian aid worker is equipped with camouflage, try again.

  • CA Gov Gavin Newsom "Completely Aligns" With Charlie Kirk On Trans Issues In Podcast
  • The problem isn’t the two party or one party system. Both provide stability. The problem is the lack of the separation of powers.

    The position of General Secretary allowed Stalin to appoint his allies into key positions without any vote from the other factions of the government.

    I will admit what occurred under Gorbachev is very similar to what is occurring under the US with Yeltsin essentially being Russia’s Trump who appealed to Russian nationalism and who claimed that he will make Russia great again by getting rid of what he viewed as welfare queens that was the other Soviet republics and getting rid of Soviet authority. But I would also like to point out that the CPSU would have been capable of fighting off this Russian “trumpist” if it wasn’t for the August Coup which deteriorated the CPSU’s authority giving the Soviet government no means to fight back against right-wing nationalism.

    Another problem was that Gorbachev did allow some independents to run for government meaning democracy was not kept within the party where factions would have been able to unite against a right wing nationalist.