No, taxes go down, while prices go up. The net result is greater cost to the middle class and the poor, but they can just pay attention to the tax cuts and huff Trump Glue to resolve the cognitive dissonance.
They honestly believe that the recession is "growing pains". You cannot use logic against fanatics who believe every word out of their god king's mouth.
It’s growing pains - what the wealthy will call the minor inconvenience of losing some % of their investments. Their version of being inconvenienced in the most minor way. For the rest of us it will mean everything from losing your retirement money to becoming homeless, maybe even in the same person.
Like a sad arrogant sideshow clown, infinity stepping on rakes causing the handles to smash them in the head. The conservative racist voter. Always voting for their own harm.
Taxes are like a subscription to be a citizen of the country where you live, in spite of representation. They are two different things that are somewhat linked but not completely.
Some failed countries have no taxation and you are probably free to live there, if you have the money for protection.