At the end of the day, I'll ask my students if they have any questions. No hands will go up, I'll act a little disappointed and say, "You know, I'm always asking if you all have any questions, and no one ever asks what my favorite dinosaur is." and I just let it hang in the air.
Without fail, a hand will slowly go up, and I call on them. "What's your favorite dinosaur?" and I respond immediately with, "That doesn't count, it wasn't organic." and then I kick them all out of class.
The correct favourite dinosaur is triceratops (if dealing with small children) or archaeopteryx for kids old enough to know that birds are raptor dinosaurs.
The coolest moment of my life was when my favorite dinosaur, the coelacanth, was discovered to still be alive. I was obsessed with this little known fish (for kids, no idea if it was better known among adults) and was super proud to be able to spell it, and then they found one!
And I told you that story because I so rarely get to, because nobody asks adults about their favorite dinosaur.
Call me classic but I love stegosaurus. Such a cool profile, chill herbivore with literal tomahawks on the back. Other favourites include plesiosaurus (I know, don't fucking test me) and kulinda dromeus
What was your formative dinosaur media as a young kid?
This 1980 claymation/cartoon/live action short called Dinosaur was absolutely hypnotic to me as a kid. The scenes with all the hooting and howling in the jungle were so intense for my little 4 year old mind!