In Germany, black cats arent meaning " bad luck", theyre more like bringing destiny.
Fore example, if a black cat crosses the road infront of you, it depends on the direction of the cat.
From right to left : good luck
From lef to right: bad luck
So black cats are making your life just a little more turbulent :|
I had a black cat. He was cool as fuck. I would leave work early to hang out with him. He would piss on my car tire every day when I got home then we would go for walks. He would bop my fore head with his paw to wake me up early every morning. Best cat ever
I love my void. I love all the cats I take care of obviously, but my but void is precious. I love hearing him speak and I adore every expression he makes. He just always puts a smile on my face. Cats really are the best.
I'm not really a fan of cats, unless they are black cats. All the black cats I met behaved like dogs, always wanting a lap to sit on and practically begging for scritches
My black cat was " puppie cat " . We would go for walks every day, he would hunt mice in the field and come running when I'd call him. He wasn't afraid of anything, he would beat a fox's ass if it messed with him
See I have that experience but with fluffy cats rather than black cats. Never met a fluffball that wasn't cuddly and loved constant pets. Plus those floofy things are adorable as hell!