Getting kind of tired of this attitude, you don't know me, you don't know anything about me or the people around me. What the fuck would YOU realistically be doing.
And don't reply to me with some list of the "resistance" style bullshit you claim to be capable of or whatever you can come up with.
THE PEOPLE are not one massive entity, so stop lumping us all together. We are fucking struggling here my guy
The people who make comments like this have no idea of the situation most of us are in here.
There have been sizeable protests despite the facts that many can't afford to take time off work, risk losing their job for taking time off, have to travel great distances to get to protests, and other things. Getting arrested can ruin the rest of your life in some situations.
Oh, and most of us aren't suicidal, so the whole "get a gun and go after those important people" ain't a thing because that's a damn good way to end up in a body bag for little to no effect. There's a point where that is a relevant option compared to available alternatives but we're not there yet.
I'd be more than happy to trade places and watch you do all these gungho things you claim you'd do were you in my shoes. I bet I know exactly how that would turn out.
You don't think America's collapsing in real time? It's not lickety-split like the Francis Scott Key Bridge, but check back in a few months — these are the good old days.
The armchair revolutionaries across the world are more than welcome to put their money where their mouth is and back a resistance they want to see by supplying and training it.
For the record, I’m not talking about violent actions here. I’m saying that the individuals who are most likely to join in on mass protests and the like are also the most vulnerable.
America has been a slave empire for the benefit of the rich for well over 200 years. Sorry that I haven’t been able to personally end all that.
One the one hand, I'm with you 100%. That was also my gut reaction to the comment you replied to.
But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not an accurate representative of America. You and I are outliers, and Trump is a better representation of Americans than either of us right now. And we got here with complacency.
So yes, I agree with everything you said, but also Americans as a whole, including you and I, are failing. We're losing the battle, and real people are really suffering. Maybe we can each do more, or maybe not, but it does not change the reality that what we are doing is not enough. Sometimes you try your best and you still lose.
That's not an argument against trying. But maybe we reevaluate our tactics and our goals. Maybe we won't be able to win hearts and minds by taking the high road. Maybe America doesn't deserve peace and complacency.
Two thirds of your population didn't even bother to vote. Then half of those who did vote wanted this. 5/6 of the population was fine with it. It's now clear to the rest of the world that this wasn't an accident, this is what the majority accepted, and it doesn't reflect well on the country as a whole.
You as an individual may not like it, but that's the situation.
The presidency was decided by something like 100k votes across 7 states. You need to get down off your high horse and go inside and straighten your facts out. And meanwhile, stop talking while the adults are talking.
Well im getting kind of tired of having my country threatened by that orange bozo you allowed into office. Murica is that shitty dog owner at the park texting on a bench while their dog is running around biting others. GET CONTROL OF YOUR FUCKING DOG!!!!
Really? That's not what it looks like from here. Looks like a lot of maple syrup MAGA going on there. Or did you "deal with" the convoys yet?
How about you put your money where your mouth is and deal with it before some Texas Lone Rangers show up to take care of it for you. Bullets are almost as cheap as talk.
Yeah, waiting while your fascists continue their decades-long campaign against science (going back to at least 2005) and keep erasing the aboriginals in your borders and destroying your healthcare system. Canada is just the little brother chasing after America's heels.
How about you stop waiting and do something. The only reason that they're quieter now is because they're united in the nationalist rhetoric and hatred towards foreigners Americans.
Pot, have you met Kettle? All I did was literally take your own attitude and use it against you.
Maybe think about that the next time you go to make sweeping assumptions about an entire country's people. Or will I find you nodding along, head empty, the next time I see an American ranting about Russians, despite our "glorious leader" tickling Putin's butthole with his tongue?
Here's some facts for you about the people you say are "rolling over and taking it." Politicians in the capital have gone from receiving 20 calls per day on average to 1,600 calls per day. Some of the Republicans have left their voice mailboxes full and stopped answering the phones so that people can't call them anymore. There are protests at all levels, from local level people waving signs to thousands of people blockading federal government buildings in the capital, with more organized for the next several months already, including a generalized strike to shut down the economy. Just because stuff hasn't been burnt down yet doesn't mean that people aren't doing anything. Everybody expects any sign of violence to be used as justification for a nationwide military crackdown.
This is the way - it's not wrong if you get angry but channel that energy into positive change. This experiment in American Fascism can't last long before the infighting tears it apart, so look after those close to you and lay the groundwork for the changes that will be needed afterwards.
China would probably take it as a green light to invade Taiwan while the US is distracted. Perhaps increase it's "sphere of influence" in the South China Sea with more brutality.