and depending on where they hang out on the internet, figurative myopia too!
But yeah, staring at a close distance for long periods of time tends to lead to nearsightedness in general. However, I've got myopia but not as bad as my siblings who spent less time in front of the screen growing up. Genetics plays a role too, among other factors.
Maybe this will be a new point of evolution and our eye shapes will change in a new (not better) way were we see worse... Who knows.... I don't know what I'm talking about . ✌️
I hear genes couldn't have changed as fast as shortsightedness has risen. I've heard bright light like from the sun helps certain systems shape the eyes and as we've rapidly become indoor folks myopia has risen.
As a septuagenarian, started very early as a voracious reader. Usually in bed before sleep. Often by flashlight.
Needed correction for nearsightedness by age 10.
Saw a study recently that attributed significant amounts of reading as a possible/likely cause... Tend to believe. This study seems to come to same/similar conclusion. Also tend to believe.
Same i was reading a lot as a kid and have been on screens a lot since but my vision isn't horrible. Left eye is definitely near sighted. But overall it's ok. I definitely try to spend less time on my phone wich seems to be the worst for me.