I talked with a friend of mine from the City, who pointed out that Andrew Cuomo's publicly announced his interest in the position, and apparently polled well (moreso than other options on the poll, at least).
Can't say I'm keen on Cuomo running in a special election and winning. New York's seen enough of him and his.
I have many issues with Pelosi but she seems to have been the only Democrat with any major influence over the party in recent memory who was willing to use the checks at her disposal against blatant corruption. The rest of the Democratic party leadership are proving to be utterly useless and incompetent.
who was willing to use the checks at her disposal against blatant corruption
Except for the insider trading that she participated in so lucratively. And the one fight that she always prioritized has been to keep the progressives down.
Yes, because if there's anything the last 10 years of politics has taught us is that the Democrats need to care more about precedent than holding elected officials accountable
"I didn't say I would do anything. I said I would work with her as in: she does what I want, I tell her to fuck off for everything else, and we call that cooperation!"
Good. This would have set an incredibly dangerous precedent for future administrations. The law should be amended; the governor shouldn’t have that kind of power in the first place.
So sad to see so many short-sighted, foaming at the mouth lemmings ITT. Not surprised, just sad.
Is there anything happening that isn't an incredibly dangerous precedent? But thank god we still have plenty of people willing to sit back and do nothing. Wouldn't want anyone to think someone other than republicans are allowed to meet the moment.
The next time you see someone ask why no one is doing anything, please think of the post I'm responding to. THAT is why.
As much as I wanted her to get rid of him, because he’s clearly a corrupt asshole, she isn’t the kind of politician to take a risk like that. She has shown herself to be a very weak governor. I’m also not sure if I’m okay with “our side” acting like authoritarians because the other branches are unwilling or unable to act through the proper process. She has the power, and he’s a piece of shit, but he was duly elected and primaries aren’t too far off (July I think). New Yorkers definitely won’t give him the job again. Though they’ll probably vote in another shitty mayor, the city has a laughably bad track record.
I think the best we can hope for is Judge Ho deciding to dismiss the case with prejudice effectively removing the Sword of Damocles from over Adams’ head. (The corrupt prosecutors asked for without prejudice.) That wouldn’t be ideal, because Adams’ would be off the hook completely, but at least it’d take away Trump’s leverage. And voters would finish the job by primarying him in a few months.
It all sucks major corrupt ass no matter how you sniff it.
Even without the Sword of Damocles over his head, Adams has shown time and time again that he's a Republican. He only cares about himself. He wasn't exactly fighting for NYers while Biden was in office.
Though they’ll probably vote in another shitty mayor, the city has a laughably bad track record.
Easy to blame the voters and there is certainly culpability there, but when do we direct our attention to and fix the system that produces nothing but shit candidates to the voters?