Ignoring the whole Canadian annexation thing and the tarrifs, US politics are absolutely decimating what was once guaranteed Conservative majority in the next election, so there's a bit of a silver lining there.
I also haven't seen Canadians this united over their hatred for Americans and the USA in ever
I feel for nations that are seeing prominent change for the better during this time. Mexico, for example, would have a lot more support for their new President and her administration’s focus on the welfare of the masses if a sane President were in the White House.
We spend 4 years making barrels that are supposed to be for transporting water to the site of the fire, and another 4 years using those barrels as fuel for the fire. No water is ever actually put into the barrels.
I think when trump was elected something broke, and politics going batshit crazy over there just became normal. In ireland there was a big fuss over some independants wanting to use opposition speaking time, it was in the headlines for a week or so. If an politicial here did one of the things trump did/tried to do there would be outcry about it.