A specialist I regularly see says the symptoms I'm describing are worse than my blood work would suggest, so she recommends I see an internist to figure out what else is wrong!
I see her every 2-3 weeks at the moment. I only mentioned the symptoms* that I know can be related to the disease I'm seeing her for. They apparently shouldn't be near as bad, according to the results of my blood test (she usually calls me a few hours to a day after the appointment to tell me the results). So now I have yet another health issue to figure out, yay!
Anyone willing to bet whether I'll be diagnosed as 'stressed' or 'skinny young woman' this time? Those were my diagnoses plenty of times when I described those symptoms. I'm not even a woman, so it comes with a little side dish of dysphoria.
*Light headedness and fainting to the point I don't feel safe standing too long (though walking is fine), extreme night sweats, very high heart rate and very low blood pressure
"*Light headedness and fainting to the point I don't feel safe standing too long (though walking is fine), extreme night sweats, very high heart rate and very low blood pressure"
Is it positional? Like you're laying down and you're fine, but you stand up to walk to another room and you almost pass out?
I had that and it turned out to be medication related.
It sometimes happens when I'm sitting or lying down, too. Like I'll see little stars and black patches. It's worse if I stand up quickly, though that's a direct consequence of low blood pressure. When I'm moving, im fine. I even run (or at least I will again once my knee heals), which further suggests blood pressure I think. But I have no idea why my blood pressure is so low.
In my case it was medication related. Took ages to figure out. Scared the hell out of my cardiologist one time when they couldn't detect my blood pressure.
"I assure you, I do have blood pressure because I'm sitting here talking to you."
"Yeah, we don't know how you're doing that! It's 58/47... we're taking you to the ER now!"
The medication caused a dehydration issue and that dropped the blood pressure. How are you on that front? Staying hydrated?