I've gone handwritten, obsidian, onenote, and now Trilium. Considering switching to something else because there is no offline mobile support.
I use memos and trilium together but since neither offers mobile offline support considering switching both. No reason to run two services when I could run one.
Markdown files in either git or Nextcloud. Mostly VS Codium for editing them but also Kate, Vim, or whatever else is available on the machine I'm using.
I second markdown with Nextcloud notes and I'll add Markor as Android markdown editor.
I use the Nextcloud Android client to sync my notes folder.
On desktop I use any text editor that has markdown syntax highlighting and/or Nextcloud Notes app on the web.
I have to admit I prefer Obsidian, even though it's not self hosted.
But all of my data is local. Even if I use Obsidian Sync and Obsidian goes under, I still have all my files on different machines (on top of regular backups) and I can use some other Markdown editor.
This was the missing piece of the puzzle I needed to actually get organized and write things down. The graph based linking system allows me to link ideas together without any sort of hierarchy, which I adore.
I mostly use this to DM my groups Pathfinder campaign, but also use it for general note taking as well.
OneNote is such a frustration for me. There are things about it I hate, and I’d certainly like to not have stuff in Microsoft’s hands, but I still can’t find an alternative that syncs well across all my platforms, has good stylus support and has the basic canvas freedom.
I’ve been trying to demo xournal++ on my old surface pro 6, but have been having a pretty hard time getting the stylus to stay working. People are doing great work on getting Linux dirivers and support for tablet stuff, but it still feels pretty in its infancy. My iPad, just works very well for touch and stylus use cases and will be hard to move on from.
Vim to edit markdown files. I use syncthing to sync between phone and other devices. I edit using markor on android.
I've tried other software, but usually discover that vim keybinds dont exist (even as a plugin) or opening as plain old markdown isnt available, so I give up and try the next one. I've finally accepted that for me, vim and markdown is my endgame note taking solution.
It sounds like you've found something that works for you, but if you're interested in trying other things obsidian stores and renders in plain markdown, and also has a vim mode
I've been using Joplin for years. I self host Joplin server for sync as well. Join does support offline use. Each device has a local copy of the notes and if you're offline you can use the app to access and edit existing notes as well as creating new ones. When you regain a connection the sync will automatically update the notes and those updates will proliferate to any other devices with Joplin
Anytype is local/offline first, P2P, end to end encrypted, open source, and has a great mobile app. They provide a (storage limited) cloud backup peer for free. You can either self host that yourself, or just rely on P2P syncing with your other devices. I’ve been using it for years and really like it.
Personally I like plain markdown files, using zk + zk-nvim + git.
If anyone else uses a similar setup, any good git + markdown setups for mobile? Primarily for reading, as I can't see myself writing much on a mobile keyboard
I have a trillium sync server setup, and connect to my network using a VM. The web interface works well enough for what I need it to do. I really wish there was an app for my phone, though.