Why even worry about that? Solve for things you need solved for. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing for their own reasons. You'll drive yourself crazy.
These are tools, not a lifestyle. Don't let anyone tell you any different.
Yeah I've given some recommendations but it's really good to just start small and pick up new stuff as you go, then you can identify your needs and do a big upgrade.
I read about silverbullet a few times now. What is your experience with it? It looks very nice but I switch note taking apps so often I don't have time to use any of them properly.
These services let you find, download, and manage tv shows/movies from multiple trackers. You can even start tracking a tv show that's still running and it'll download new seasons as and when they're released. From there they're forwarded to your torrent client.
It's awesome, lets my non-technical GF add movies and tv shows without me, and means we're up to date on severance!
I'd personally recommend a second hard drive of 500GB at least. You'll quickly fill that 250gb drive, and it's good practice to keep your data and applications separate (if the drive fails or gets upgraded your services won't need to go down!). You can also set up a ZFS pool so you can add drives later into a big pool that's treated like a single drive by your applications, though most of those services can support multiple storage locations so ZFS isnt too urgent if you expand to a new drive.
I can personally attest that the SU630 is a good SSD though. Serves my raspberry pi well! You don't need SSDs for your bulk storage though, you won't need the speed.