Hey, someone in the friend group has to test the apps ahead of time for when they all inevitably wake up and delete Discord, I can guide them to matrix or SimpleX! This is exactly how it will go right?
"Uses MullvadVPN on lockdown mode"
Literally me because seflhost with a router that doesn't have NAT loopback support. Gotten tired of using workarounds that eventfully broke. lmao
I think we're all in between conservative and newborn paranoid ... for me, I love alpha/nightly, which LW doesn't have, so FF it is. But I cope by telling myself that a properly configured FF is just as good as LW. And Signal is better than needing to use WhatsApp with family members.
Well in fact, that's not true they follow the same philosophy. See the GNU Boot talk at 38c3, but tldw is that canoeboot advocates for Libreboot and against RYF and so on. Btw, GNU Boot maintainers are quite active (see also the repo, I'm one of them).
GNU Boot is not against canoeboot as such, but Leah Rowe hasn't the same philosophy (and does not follow FSDG)
Years ago, when Telegram was relatively fresh, I convinced most of my friends and acquaintances to use it. I don't know how I did it, but now that I want to get away from Telegram, I wish I could do it again.
Currently on a very locked down version of firefox but also windows, though I've been experimenting with mint on an old laptop in prepration for a switchover.
I'm the Tech Conservative with an iPhone, uses the Fedora Distro as my ride or die at the moment! I feel pretty balanced...Though, I do have a desire to hop to other distros for a while before going back to where it all started: Ubuntu. Ubuntu started my passion for Linux; opened my world to FOSS, issues with Privacy, and viewing most companies with neutrality, unless they've shown their dark side!
I might be if you started on Android but then transitioned to iPhone 15+ and iOS after Google started to cram too much LLM Bullshit into Android. Otherwise, I had been a Windows person first, before I couldn't tolerate Microsoft's BS any longer. I should've left some more tech history in there, but this meme is certainly my current self!
Please don't misuse the term 'paranoid' like that. It's a medical term for a serious condition and we really don't need to start labeling ourselves like that, others already do that for us way too often.
yes and important to note this applies to other terms as well. non-disordered people can experience temporary depression, anxiety and paranoia. the clinical terms are related but should not be conflated. paranoia can occur to anyone who is going through paranoia inducing circumstances, like marijuana, sleeplessness, or an authoritarian capitalistic hellscape.
(there are terms that have no aclinical parallel, though, like OCD, dissociative identity, or intrusive thoughts. we all should be careful not to misuse these terms.)
i do appreciate your sensitivity @[email protected] ! i think it’s just a bit misplaced. :)