Ah yes, the old "everyone right of Pol Pot is a faaaaashhhhhhh". A surefire eay to make friends and allies, and not end up as a marginalized group of kooks.
I'm gonna be honest this is a dumb way to view these issues. "You're either with me or against me" just fuels an "us vs them" mentality that leads to hate and division more than anything.
It shows that you'd rather label people as "the enemy" than try to understand other perspectives.
Also this is the bike cuck guy. Just saying.
americans discovering rest of the democracies have more than 2 parties and people change who they vote for regularly, making center a pretty sensible place to be for most people.
Broken political systems enable fascism. The lie that the US has a strong constitution and political system has been revealed.
In the US you get 1/3 of the electorate and ypu get everything. In the US you appoint political judges from 2 parties and control everything. In the US every election is between 2 parties, there is no other option. In the US the 2 parties gerrymander constituencies to give themselves perpetual power. In the US small states have disproportionate power in the senate and the presidency. In the US the president can make laws on a whim.
Centerists aren't the problem. The entire US system is the problem. And they have gaslit you to believe that the only option is to play the game their way and pick the lesser evil. The actual only solution is to tear the whole lot down and start again. Reform would be ideal, but revolution may by the only realistic way of doing it the way things are going.
The opposition blaming each other for the fascists behaviour is part of how fascists get away with it.
Yep, currenr conservative ideals are "fuck the poor, fuck black peiple, fuck trans people, fuck women, fuck gay people, fuck anyone that isn't a rich white cishet male". Hard to be an actual centrist with that shit...
You have to be totally brainwashed to actually believe centrists are conservatives. Maybe if you keep up that hate it might become true. Ironically you sound just as hateful as actual conservatives. Just because I don't agree with all progressive politics doesn't make me a conservative. That's literally centrist. If that offends you, that's a you issue
So your clever plan to get them to take action is to have the left constantly call them the reason usa is going to hell. Oh boy which side should they choose? the left who constantly hates them treats them the same as the right or the right who ignores them. Hot damn, seems left already descided they gonna be right so congrats, now you are even more of the voterbase is not going to vote with you the next round.
No wonder trumps in office.
Letting slightly less people die is not compromise, allowing any genocide is not compromise, allowing people to starve is not compromise, Bernie was our compromise and Liberals would rather watch Trump win than accept our compromise.
In a conflict, leaving any tool unused on the table, especially one that inconveniences you so little as voting, is a dereliction of duty. Not voting is like not wiping your ass: childish, ineffective, and an embarrassment upon you and anyone within your proximity.