Pills for me are definitely a tool that gives me a fighting chance rather than a free fix-all solution. It's always been and will always be a struggle.
I know, I wasn't expecting to take them and solve all my life problems. (Wouldn't have complained tho. /j)
It's just that I do not notice any difference, maybe a few side effects here and there but nothing else. First I thought it was the dosage but now I don't know anymore. :/
If it helps (it probably won’t).. I feel the same about Ritalin. I was on it ages 5-13, took myself off because it didn’t feel right or good (also I was on way way way too high a dose and I’m an angry tiny adult now as a result yay..) and then when I was mid 30s got rediagnosed and Rx the same fscking drug but called methylphenidate… and shockingly I don’t bother taking it because it still doesn’t help, it just makes me even more skilled at procrastination, but they won’t try anything else and I don’t have the energy to give a shit because I’ve been unmedicated this long.. fuck it.
You might want to try other drugs, they might help you, if you can get them to try something else.
Or if you’ve been unmedicated long enough to learn how to function and the drugs only help with energy to follow through, but do absolutely nothing to motivate you in the first place (as is the case for me), you can choose to take them selectively on days you want to accomplish something but don’t really care what it is.