Elon Musk brags about being a top video game player. Is caught lying.
Elon has been going around running his mouth about being one of the world's top Path of Exile 2 players. Then he was dumb enough to stream his gameplay to "show off his skills" and everyone saw that he doesn't even understand the basic mechanics of the game, strongly suggesting that he has been paying someone to level up his character for him.
Just one more example of Elon Musk taking credit for someone else's work.
Thinking he could pull this off (and doubling down after having been called out) is definitive proof that wealth has literally broken Elon's brain. He is verifiably less emotionally stable, less self aware, less intelligent, and less in touch with reality than the average person. Hell, even wanting this sort of validation in the first place is proof he's broken. If anyone in his life still sincerely cares about him, they should be concerned for his well-being.
I suspect he surrounds himself with people that won't tell him he's wrong because they want to continue to suckle the Elon teat. He likely lives in an echo chamber and there are people who "protect" him from seeing criticism.
Thinking he could pull this off (and doubling down after having been called out) is definitive proof that wealth has literally broken Elon's brain.
This is what he's been doing the whole time, it's only backfiring now because his audience actually knows a lot about videogames as opposed to running a company or rocket science.
Its honestly hilarious. He is doubling down and now fighting that asmongold loser on twitter. He took away his checkmark and everything.
Love 2 losers fighting one another.
He's perpetually stuck in his 8 year old rich kid nerd mindset. He thinks people will want to hang out with him if he has cars, rocket ships, and video games.
There's plenty of non gamers who think "being good at bideo gane" means intelligence or success in other areas. Joe rogan said it about Elon. The big short guy is still doubling down on it about Sam bankman fried etc.
It's probably he wants gamers to think he's an "elite pro nightstalker" or some lame shit, but it also benefits them if people out of the loop think they're good at it. Even when they're not (and it has no predictor of skills in other areas
Xelon is a junkie and an immature child who has never had to be responsible for anything. Listening to this incompetent con artist is a waste of a life.
The funny part is how impressed joe rogan (an idiot monkey-man who believes anything he is told) is about elon's lies about videogames. Also funny is dumbass lex fridman doing the same exact shit.
Even more stupid is the awful confusing a YouTube editor (one who edits videos for a youtuber) and a journalist editor (someone who leads a team of article writers). then removing Asmongold's checkmark on Xitter because they exposed his stupidity to the world. Felon's brain is fried beyond recovery.