Merkel claims that without Covid it's unlikely Putin would have done this, it was the interruption of constant contact with Putin caused by Covid that was the reason nobody was able to talk him out of it.
Another recent story claim Putin did it because he was BORED!!!
This makes me believe there may be a lot of truth to the claim that Putin did it because of Covid. And of course because he has become insane with his own power.
They pulled the guys off the island. Many are completely gone, it’s a mess. Finally, at least they're heading home. Their families will see them. It’s a complete disaster, just fing hell. This is my personal disaster. I just don’t know. That’s how they treat them. How they run after them, approaching by boat and taking them away. Well, these fing scum. They should’ve gone themselves, you know, gone there on their own.
the translation is 80% accurate. the main idea is "this is fucked up", he blames the higher ranks and wishes they have gone to this meat grinder themselves. he was ought to sneak on a boat and get those bodies to send them to their relatives back home. and says that there are many more wounded that will get back home too.