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Badeendje RubberDuck

Quak, Quak, quuaakk

Posts 7
Comments 2.4K
The games industry is undergoing a 'generational change,' says Epic CEO Tim Sweeney: 'A lot of games are released with high budgets, and they're not selling'
  • Well, gamers includes anyone sliding their finger on a phone screen now playing Farmville and stuff..and that is a looooooot of people. So that moves the needle on the average gamer a lot towards that end. And I think there is limited overlap between the people that use it as a time suck and the people that sit down and turn on their console/pc to play a game as a hobby.

    So if the MBAs looked at statistics too much.. you also get a warped idea.

    It seems that stuff that gets people most excited are the inspired games made by creative people because they had a vision for their game..

  • Trump ‘To Appoint Musk’ To Gov’t Efficiency Role If Elected
  • The Russian state should be a warning not a guide to model after.

  • Ukraine accuses Russia of executing 16 PoWs on eastern front
  • I'm sure the Russian propaganda machine is using the footage to tell the Russian population it was the Ukranians.

  • The massive U.S. port strike has begun
  • Fully depends on the way automation is done. But mostly it is to drive wages down and leave the employees left in less safe conditions and doing the very hard jobs which are hard to or cannot be automated wearing them out faster. Just as supporting roles get more pressure with also less means to succeed in their jobs and more stress.

  • ‘They are not safe’: Richmond Hill residents at traffic meeting want bike lanes installed this year removed immediately
  • Should be 2 meter wide grass with trees and nearly curbs on the car side.

  • Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • Or.. will the quality actually go up?

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • You can take your strawman and stick it. In the mean time the whole middle east has been building to this and egged on by people like you we will see it get a lot worse.

    I'll bet all those Palestinians are very comforted by knowing people like you have their backs. "No no.. you need to stay in your refugee camps because else the evil Jews won"... 70 years down and people like you helped 300k people kicked from their lands back then, become 5 million people in perpetual misery... But you can rest smuggly that you took the moral high ground.. but then it does not cost you anything.. so there.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • No I'm asking, then what. You throw your red herring around as if that means something.

  • Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • So the form of protest will be deranged shit posting and flooding the subreddits instead because mods will just let it happen. Will be good for the quality.

  • UN members walk out en-masse in protest against Netanyahu address
  • Ah yes.. good point.. thanks for explaining.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • My red herring? You open by making a statement that could easily mean eliminating all Jews and when asked what you mean you refuse to specify (or concoct some kumbaya alternate reality fiction). Instead you blurt that the question is flippant. And now you say red herring as if that somehow absolves you of taking a position that has no basis in reality or a position that just wishes all Jews to dissapear.

    The situation in Israël is neither clear cut nor easy. And since one side (Israël) holds all the power I would expect that side to come up with a just and equitable solution that works for Palestinians too.. and that is not what they are currently doing... We see war mongering genocidal idealogs run their campaign of destruction simply because Bibi needs war to stay out of jail. The reason why these right wing extremist settlers are in the Israeli government in turn has its basis in constant shelling of Israel proper. Which continue because Israël refuses to provide their neighbors with an equitable solution and not keep settling the west bank.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • Way to move the goalposts... It's a series of own goals compounded by "help" from their friends that landed the Palestinians in this horror. In Turn the current horror now has 3 revisionist antisemites in a trenchcoat using the poor Palestinians as a beard to practice their antisemitism out in the open.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • Uhm.. what? Kept fleeing to Muslim lands? Antisemitism a European thing.. wow.. someone did a number on you man.. I'd suggest you ask for a refund from school.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • The original plans where also a lot smaller and entitled Palestinians to a lot of land and their own state. Neighboring countries and Palestinians would not have it. The region was english ruled because the ottomans sided with Germany in ww1.. they where by definition the baddies. Then WW2 happened. You seem to be cherry picking a lot of stuff that happened over the course of the last 120 years or so for that area.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • Yeah, we tried that. With the neighboring countries intervening and waging war, and the following wars we ended up here. But this time it will be different.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • Sure.. you still are dancing around specifying what your dissolution of the state of Israel would look like.

    I'd personally like to see Netanyahu in a small concrete cell in Scheveningen.. just so we're clear.

  • West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat
  • No, you made a statement that required a follow up question.. requiring you to elaborate. But I have the feeling that you are answering like this cause you simply refuse to say the quiet part out loud, or are to cowardly to come out and say it. But that's OK. I think most people reading your response get what you mean.

  • Holodeck Training games

    With all the footage coming out of Ukraine with the fpv drones, the games seen in some episodes used for training make a lot of sense. The game Janeway and seven shooting small maneuverable airborne drones, comes to mind. But also guinan and the shooting colored dots. I have no clue what the games where called, but the prediction is spot on.

    0 Zeeuwse huishoudens krijgen betaald als ze zonnepanelen uitzetten

    Op zomerse dagen met veel zon wordt meer energie opgewekt dan dat er wordt gebruikt en dat belast het stroomnet.

    Zeeuwse huishoudens krijgen betaald als ze zonnepanelen uitzetten

    Dus.. als belastingbetaler betalen we voor salderen. En de energie aanbieders pakken daarvan nu een stuk met de toeslagen (terwijl de netbeheerders het geld nodig hebben).

    En nu gaan ze actief het klimaatbeleid saboteren door mensen te betalen om hun panelen uit te zetten in plaats van opslag realiseren.

    Ik ben benieuwd hoeveel budget ze hiervoor hebben uitgetrokken. En hoeveel opslag ze daarvoor zouden kunnen realiseren. (Homewizard heeft voor 1400 euro een plug in home accu... Ik heb geen aandelen).

    Maar dit is wel makkelijker en sneller voor de bedrijven.. dat wel.


    Ice cream sodas

    One of the oldest icecream parlors in my city serves 1 scoop of chocolate icecream, some whipped cream in a glass topped off with coca cola.

    It's surprisingly good.

    Their other soda is lemon/lime icecream with whipped cream, some ginger and topped with gingerale.

    Excellent too especially on a warm day.

    Thought I'd share as they can be easily made at home too.

    4 Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    Sea Baby maritime drones of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) planted more than 15 underwater mines near the waters of the Russian-occupied Crimea, as a result of which at least four Russian ships were damaged.

    Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    If we can't come in, you can't come out either

    2 US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    The US appears to have expanded its agreement with Ukraine to strike over the border inside Russian territory wherever Russian forces are engaging in cross-border attacks into Ukraine, not just in the Kharkiv region as was previously determined.

    US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told PBS News on Monday that the agreement with Ukraine to fire into Russia extends wherever Russian forces are attempting to invade.

    7 Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Topambtenaar Dick Schoof is de kandidaat-premier van de nieuwe coalitie.

    Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Nou, voormalig NCTV en AIVD. Kan me voorstellen dat we een hoop veiligheid krijgen in ruil voor onze privacy.

    En gelukkig heeft hij als hoofd van de IND het ook een toekomstbestendige organisatie gemaakt.

    Ik ben benieuwd. En jullie?
