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MrMakabar MrMakabar
Posts 189
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Voting for Biden should be a tragic act
  • Little tip: Curb your racisim!

    You just call all Americans who vote to have even a chance at protesting, even a chance to change anything in the country as a bunch of people who cheer for genocide. Basically you call pretty much all politically active Americans a bunch of Nazis. No consideration of any nuance, as you then go on to just flat out presume, that they want to see you dead, no matter what they say.

    If you try to convince anybody of your point, maybe calling thema bunch of genocide loving idiots, is not the best way to go about it. You usually just get the Americans angry and closed off to your arguments. That is the last thing you want to do. In fact it supports the American system, by closing them off to better alternatives.

    If you wanted to actually be productive, you should argue for system change in the US. Change of the election system would be a good one, with proportional representation instead of first past the post. Just an idea.

  • One phone call from President Xi would end Russia's war, Finnish president says
  • A war over Taiwan would at first be a naval conflict. Ukraine does not need many anti ship weapons and does not get many as well. Those factories are mainly free.

    For many other systems the West is running at capacity and increasing it. Air defence missiles for example. Taiwan has Patriot and it would only be a matter of moving production to Ukraine to Taiwan instead to make it work. The West has jets, so there are other options of winning the air war. Ukraine currently gets F-16. So no longer as much needed and maybe the Europeans could intervene with a few jets, if need be. Similar story for a lot of other weapon systems. Increased production in Europe, which can be delivered to Taiwan.

    Then you have use of weapons. It is much more likely that Taiwan will be allowed to strike China right away. No discussion as we saw in Ukraine.

    Also yes China is not ready. They have to win the naval war and then be able to land. Invading Taiwan is much harder then invading Ukraine over what is flat open ground.

  • China is building a mammoth 8 GW solar farm
  • What is the advantage of an 8GW solar farm compared to say 100 80MW farms? The smaller ones should be distributed over more land, cancelling out clouds and do not interrupt the landscape nearly as much as the large one.

  • Degrowth Aesthetics in Solarpunk, The Dispossessed, & Occupy Wall Street

    his thesis identifies and explores aesthetic strategies in art, literature, and social activism that inspire the desirability of degrowth economic paradigms in post-industrial imaginaries. These im...

    Degrowth Aesthetics in Solarpunk, The Dispossessed, & Occupy Wall Street
    0 Assets in Common: Leaders in collaborative business and shared ownership

    This is the fourth of an eight-part series centered around the themes of an inspiring new book, “Assets in Common,” published by Common Trust and Purpose.

    Assets in Common: Leaders in collaborative business and shared ownership
    Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer
  • I so hope the Tories loose so badly, that the Lib Dems become the largest opposition party. They at least are for rejoing the EU and would argue for it.

  • Google’s greenhouse gas emissions jump 48% in five years
  • The problem is that there is really no great alternative to Googles search. Most of the other ones use Bing in the backend, which ends up being Microsoft. If anybody knows of a good search engine, which works well and is none commercial that would be great.

  • Lack of direct trains in Europe is pushing people to take flights, campaigners say
  • The answer would be high speed night trains. London - Rome takes a bit over 15h by train today. However that includes waiting for connections and a lot of stops on stations. So a direct train would be siginificantly faster probably more like 12-13h. That would mean you could go into a train station in London at 20:00 and end up in Rome at 8:00 for example.

    Stockholm - Barcelona is a much longer journey. 2250km instead of 1400km for Rome - London. So a very long nigh train or a connection in Hamburg or Paris. with a night train going from there to Barcelona or Stockholm respectivly.

  • Judge Orders Biden Administration to Resume Permits for Gas Exports
  • There are quite a few earlier cases for drilling though. For example Biden tried to stop new leases for oil and gas projects on public land, but that got struck down by a court. That was three years ago.

    Also this is about new export terminals. Due to new emissions regulation for cars, the inflation reduction act and a few other laws, US oil and gas consumption is likely to fall. So the oil and gas companies try to export more. Hence more terminals.

  • 'Slow-walk' protests banned at 1,200 locations
  • What about slow driving? Cars are bigger anyway and if you for example need some time to slowly cross a red light one car per phase, it completly crashes the cities transport system. For a city like London that would work perfectly.

  • Judge Orders Biden Administration to Resume Permits for Gas Exports
  • And this is why there is more drilling under Biden. Court orders to keep up drilling, court orders to allow exports and court orders stopping climate legislation. The courts being stacked by Trumps judges.

  • Country Comparisons - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries

    View the performance of a selected country relative to the Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries and see how it compares with other countries

    Country Comparisons - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries
    Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • Sure, but why would you built a nuclear power plant, when you are faster in having a clean grid with wind and solar. The workers building the npp could built more wind and solar after all.

  • This sounds like a lovely travelog: New Zealand to Spain by train
  • Azerbaijan has a train line to Turkey via Georgia. Obviously ethical is a problem, but it is certainly possible in a relatively save fashion, if you have a good passport.

  • Nuclear push would drag out energy transition, PM warns
  • Because solar and wind can be deployed much faster. You rather easily have a decade of extra coal or gas emissions, if you built nuclear today.

  • Scholz proposes equally high tariffs for EVs from China and the EU -
  • And EVs are still better then combustion engines. Even better the EU is not going to be able to match Chinese subsidies. So the EU car industry is going to die and replaced by Chinese cars. However those will have a much harder time lobbying for car focused infrastructure. Just compare Germany and the Netherlands for example. One has a massive car industry and the other does not.

  • Scholz proposes equally high tariffs for EVs from China and the EU -
  • Most cars sold in the EU are still combustion engines. Replacing them with EVs would make enviromental sense and China giving state money to make EU EVs cheaper is not that bad a move.

    Problem is obviously that the EUs automotive industry has to compete, but that can be done by matching subsidies as well.

  • The Amazon Paper is fighting Degrowth now
  • The 2007-2009 recession was 4.3% in the US and that did not really hurt the US so badly as to destroy the country. But yes it is supposed to.

  • Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

    This 35-minute film is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change. A film by Local Futures and Cyrus Sutton. Produced and dire...

    Closer to Home - Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis
    0 Three approaches to finding an alternative economic model - World Capital Institute

    In the search for alternative economic models that are better suited to the requirements of our time, namely the management of a series of so-called...

    Three approaches to finding an alternative economic model - World Capital Institute
    0 Civilization's Peak Power in 10 to 20 Years?

    Falling fertility rates in most of the world put us on track to reach the global peak rate of energy use ahead of the actual population peak, as early as 10 years from now if the trends of the last decade persist. Marking a major turning point, the decline of the post-peak world will involve many t...

    Civilization's Peak Power in 10 to 20 Years?
    2 CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside

    (Manuel Casal Lodeiro) Work sharing, the repopulation of the countryside, and the urgent recovery of resilience in the face of pending ecosocial collapse are objectives that can be pursued simultaneously and synergistically.

    CDRCs: A proposal concerning work, resilience, and the repopulation of the countryside

    Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech Episode 64: Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech

    About Brian Czech Brian Czech is the founding president of the Center For The Advancement Of The Steady State Economy (CASSE). Czech served as the first conser

    Episode 64: Adopting A Steady State Economy To Protect Wild Nature With Brian Czech
    0 Meet Cargonomia, the eco-friendly cooperative championing degrowth in Budapest

    Budapest, Hungary – “Building your own furniture isn’t that complicated. There are plenty of participative workshops to learn how to do it yourself. We would have far enough material to build…

    Meet Cargonomia, the eco-friendly cooperative championing degrowth in Budapest

    Nature restoration law: EU Council gives final green light

    This law aims to put measures in place to restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

    It sets specific, legally binding targets and obligations for nature restoration in each of the listed ecosystems – from terrestrial to marine, freshwater and urban ecosystems.
