Thing is, every cats all over the place aren’t, or at least shouldn’t be, and certainly didn’t used to be, that unusual. It’s nice to see pictures of them and such.
The real awesomeness comes when we get to see these amazing professional attendant cats with awesome and context, Julie appropriate names.
Nobody would’ve given a shit about this post if it was entitled “ archaeology cat”.
I used to live in Ft. Wayne Indiana, and the local university mascot was the mastodons, and there were loads of mastodon sculptures around town due to all the mastodon fossils foind in the area.
What i am saying is that there are serious layers to this post that i don't think OP is even aware of
The mastodon is the state fossil for Indiana, so posting about about a museum cat named "Indiana Bones" on Mastodon, a site named after the state fossil of Indiana is extra deep.