when you put it that way i see why aliens refuse to make contact with us
59 0 ReplyThere are other kinds of bloody holes that lack teeth to shove your tongue into.
48 1 Replystigmata
26 0 Replystab wound
11 0 Reply
any hole can get bloody if you tongue hard enough
15 0 ReplyI'm taking a shovel out back and will report later on this science experiment.
1 0 Reply
32 0 Replyegnlish hard
9 0 ReplyLike "town" with a j sound on the end
4 0 ReplyToungé 🥖
1 0 Reply
31 0 ReplyTake bad enough care of your teeth and you can experience this again. And this time, it'll never end.
26 0 ReplyIf you don’t brush your teeth and eat sugary stuff you’ll be able to soon enough. Or just ask a Jets fan why their team won’t stop loosing
21 0 ReplyYou can also have that while brushing your teeth 3 times a day :(
11 0 Reply
Yes officer, this is the post. Lock em up!
20 0 ReplyI used to keep loose teeth connected by the last thread for as long as I could. Then I'd rotate them around and bite gently.
20 0 Replyreading this made me flinch
6 0 Reply
I see Osaka I upvote ... wait wtf?
16 0 Replyfor the right price, your friendly local dentist can arrange this experience for you once again.
14 0 ReplyThe neat part is you can imagine how that feels with your tongue.
13 0 ReplyI don't even have to imagine it I've had a total of 8 teeth removed so far and got to experience it a couple times
3 0 Reply
You can do that again when we grow back teeth in the very near future.
13 0 Reply13 0 Reply12 0 Reply
I find that on LSD, all my joints and bones feel off, like a freshly missing tooth.
13 0 ReplyI can help with that, with or without dusters?
10 0 ReplyYou can still do that if ya want. It’ll be more permanent too 😁
9 0 ReplyUnironically, yes.
7 0 ReplyOH MY GAH!
5 0 Reply5 0 Reply
People always say they hate those dreams when your teeth fall out but I love them. I especially like the ones where new teeth grow in afterwards and you can rip them out again
5 0 ReplyI have never had a dream like that...
5 0 Reply
Good news! You can experience this another 32 times!
2 0 Replyjust imagine if we were sharks. we could do this shit like once a week forever
1 0 Reply