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nicknonya (⬤ᴥ⬤)

Also on Tumblr @nick-nonya

Posts 68
Comments 377
Good foss app to run a simple http server from a directory?
  • thankfully no, i'm just trying to run a Twine game on it

  • Good foss app to run a simple http server from a directory?

    i found one on fdroid but it was old and the directory selector was broken and couldn't really work outside of it's default for some reason, it also rendered the page i'm trying to use really weirdly, like it wasn't sending some file over and the css got borked.

    Found one that wasn't foss, installed it, opened it, "buy premium to unlock this feature", uninstalled it.

    Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Nonononono
  • given the average user age bias i've seen on lemmy i have a feeling a good 40% of the people who will see this will have no clue what it means

  • Godot Community Poll 2024
  • shoutout to the ~4 people who use Godot in Antarctica

  • Check this shit out
  • aw fuck yea stick gun

  • Nudibranches are cute.
  • here's a better quality pic

  • This rabbit.
  • when your friend says something kinda foxish and you hit them with the lagomorph stare

  • Golden Showers
  • the mantis seems to enjoy it

  • Caption this.
  • the turboenfuckillator. very popular with your mother

  • The Final Frontier
  • finding sexy aliens

  • monster rule
  • Me, an Eldrich abomimation of unthinkable age:
    Y̴̖̏'̷͔̂ ̶̬͐Y̷͆ͅ'̴̙̈́ ̶͚͐a̸̛̹h̶̢̎ ̷̟̀ǎ̷̳h̴̺̉ ̴̨̀n̸̖̚ǎ̴͈f̷̼̌l̵̿͜ ̷̯͒Y̴̬͝'̷̥̐ ̵͈̅ê̷̖p̵̨̾h̷͎́a̵̘͠i̴͓͛a̶͕͋h̷̨͛ ̸̇͜Ÿ̷̠'̷͈̃ ̶̖̈e̷̳̊p̴̹͐h̸̠̅a̸̳̚ị̶̃n̸̹͋ȧ̸̞f̸͉̄ĺ̷̗ ̸̻̅Y̷͚͒'̸̪͆ ̴̬̄a̶͚͆h̸̨͑ ̷̣̄p̴̟̃h̸͖̾'̵͓̑ņ̷̄g̴̺̏ĺ̵͔u̴͔̅ï̶͕ ̸̮͗ă̷̠h̵̦̓ ̴̓͜Y̶͍̓'̷̨̾ ̶͇̈p̴̪̈́ḩ̴̎'̸̼̇n̴͍̾g̷͍͋l̶͓̏ṳ̴̄í̴͕ ̴̠͝a̶̤̓h̴̤̒ ̸̤́e̴͚̊r̴̠̃ę̷͗y̸̥͠

  • Me when desktop hits 5%
  • linux usage hits one tuxillion % truly the millenia of the linux desktop

  • Also, you have been turned into a worm.
  • "yes because he's rolling it down a hill for once"

    - someone on tumblr

  • Diet
  • Kirby style

  • And was just gone.
  • the pngtuber while describing the most horrid crime imaginable:

  • Caption this picture rule
  • ♫ makin my way downtown ♫

  • Pr(ule)ide flag
  • on my end pictures are just a custom link with an exclamation point added to the start, so ![image description here](image url here)

  • Pr(ule)ide flag
  • the lion is a symbol of pride

  • Would it be possible to run two OSs simultaneously by hibernating one of the OSs?

    the way i understand it hibernating an OS dumps ram to a file and powers off, so could it be possible to run two OSs "simultaneously" by alternating between hibernations?


    Is it a good idea to use KDE plasma on linux mint?

    looking around online it seems possible but apparently not a good experience? i think the posts were a bit old so maybe something has changed since then

    Edit: i don't want to hop distro, i just want to change the desktop manager.


    best foss app for OCR?

    i've been searching for a while but none of the ones i find are great, the one i landed on hasn't been updated in over a year

    Microblog Memes (⬤ᴥ⬤)

    the fastest transition in the west

    cross-posted from:

    > the fastest transition in the west


    the fastest transition in the west

    image transcript:

    screenshot of a twitter post: TomboysForBiden(but Anime)🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 posts: Would you press it?

    will you push the button?

    99% chance of getting 1 million dollars 1% chance of becoming a girl

    Olufémi O. Taiwo quote retweets the post: philosophy twitter: can we agree that this is not a math question

    tumblr post, replying to the screenshot: arch-user as a completely cis dude, | would press this button immediately, without question. There are a lot of things | would do for money, but shit I'd do this for like 20 bucks... maybe less?

    arch-user She said with all too much confidence

    A DAY!??!?!


    best foss replacement for microsoft launcher?

    i've been trying to get rid of non-foss garbage as much as possible but i haven't found anything to replace the microsoft launcher yet, a few good candidates but they were all either underbaked or too unstable to use. Any suggestions?


    [linux mint, cinnamon] how can i resize the panel's width?

    i tried out plasma on opensuse (in a vm) and liked how they handle panels, i especially liked how i could set the bar to be only as wide as the content inside it. does anyone know if this is possible in mint?


    taking this opportunity to remind people that the block button exists

    for your own sanity, use the damn block button. don't engage trolls or provocateurs, block them and move on. if you're on here you probably don't like algorithmic feeds, guess what not having one means? The block button actually fucking does something! so use it to moderate your experience.

    Microblog Memes (⬤ᴥ⬤)

    tumblr fit rating

    cross-posted from:

    > fit ruleting > > tried my best to make it readable but image editing on a phone is hell


    fit ruleting

    tried my best to make it readable but image editing on a phone is hell


    is data shared across instances?

    like if i post on a community in instance A and my instance goes down will people still see the post?
