I realized I've never actually seen a quantum computer. When I saw this post, I decided to look one up, and expecting them to look like some old storage server or something. I mean they can't look that antiquated, right?
Then I saw one on the Internet, and realized quantum computers look like THIS:
There is quite a bit more than just the cooling system in the picture. Coax cables take control signals from room temperature to the quantum processor and readout signals back. The signal paths include attenuation, filtering and amplification in various stages. The processor itself is in a magnetic shield, which is the grey cylinder at the bottom.
So allegedly most of what we see here is temperature control.
The qubits are stored in a chip in the bottom. Normal electronic stuff is at the top.
Each (circle) layer is kept at a different specific temperature. The normal electronic signals start at room temperature and cascade to lower and lower temperatures to interact with the qubits. The “reply” then cascades back up.
Most of that is the helium dilution refrigerator. Most electronic quits work at near absolute zero, so all of what you see here is wiring for the quantum computer (all those co-ax cables) and the equipment needed to manipulate the helium mixture to cool things down (you need the right mixture of helium isotopes because they boil at different temperatures so boiling away one isotope allows the remaining isotope to get even colder).
Or they might have assumed there was something wrong with it. I learned a trick at Microsoft to not have my desk chair "borrowed" for meetings - put a big piece of duct tape on it, Nobody wants the duct taped chair lol.
The "cheesy sci-fi movie prop" look is usually either heavily influenced by, or quite literally, retrofuturism, which itself is very often inspired by the early computing era. Considering quantum computers are basically in their infancy, they will indeed look like a mix of old/future tech for some time.
Maybe because they tend to be round. Some of them make me think of the old Cray supercomputer,s but with a ton of extraneous wires and plumbing added to look more futuristic.