Putin has continued to invoke Nuclear Orthodoxy on various occasions, such as a 2018 claim that Russians would "go to heaven as martyrs" and foreigners would "simply drop dead."
Warhammer 40K wasn’t meant as an instruction manual.
In all seriousness, I am wondering whether Aleksandr Dugin spent his youth painting Space Marine figurines in between being into chaos magick and coming up with edgy Nazi-Bolshevik heresies that would have gotten a less well-connected young edgelord sent to the gulag. A lot of the ideas behind late Putinism seem to be lifted from the Empire Of Man.
They believe that Russia is inherintly Christian and especially Moscow as the third Rome. So as the battle of armagedon happens, they want to arm Russia, as to defend the holy city of Moscow against satan and his demons. For that they need a lot of weapons and especially nukes, as demons are obviously powerfull. Clearly they are also needed to fight the satanic West, approaching the holy city of Moscow via Ukraine.
I wonder if they've bothered to explain why nuking a demon would be effective. You could just as easily go with "only silver works" if you're writing this like a fanfic.
It seems like a pretty good story to tell those evil westerners: Actually Russia is crazy enough to start a nuclear exchange because of wacky religious bullshit, so better appease them!
"Blessed are the peace cheese makers, for they will be called the children of God." --The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ According to Monty Python