A simple division shows you only worked an average of 5h per day out of 24. Ficsit would like to remind you that those number are not acceptable. Productivity must improve.
I highly recommend the Satisfactory Tools' production planner, it makes it so much faster to figure out how much of what you need to achieve a particular result.
It's making going nuclear look actually reasonable, something I never managed to achieve in EA
I mostly use belt speeds based on need myself, I find just going for top speed belts introduces potential issues with things not feeding correctly and overflows triggering prematurely... Besides, I find it more pleasing to see a line of slow build items moving to their destination than one at a time rocketing at ludicrous speed across the factory
Though, if we could literally rocket propel items from one area to another, that would be a different story ...
I got covid right as 1.0 dropped and playing on my deck was about as much as I could muster entertainment-wise. I ticked into the 100 hour range last night and my only regret is not learning about snap to grid and the world grid sooner.
Don't feel too bad, my first game I was well into phase 3 at least before realizing that foundations have snap points for everything you put on them... My entire factory was built on the ground until then with me wondering how in the hell people were able to set up things like the hypertube cannon so easily and precisely
I was probably near the end tiers of phase 4 before learning about the world grid and why I should have been building to it the whole time
In spite of that, the only thing I didn't achieve in that save was nuclear power... Which I'm about to do for my first time