Was absolutely great. A little too much advertising for the platform we are actively watching it on, but an absolutely great return to form. Nothing felt forced and all the jokes landed well.
Lol at people reporting this post for misinformation. Futurama season numbers have always been ill-defined and now we just have to live with it. Be thankful you're not in the UK where the DVD ordering made it even weirder.
There is new Futurama coming out. Be less cranky and more excited!
I mostly liked it. The joke that got me the hardest was probably the robot standup comedian.
My only complaint really was that they pulled an “oh no fry is dead but wait he’s not” again which the writers really started to like to do in like every other episode after the first reboot, so I hope this doesn’t become a running theme in every episode.
I thought it was great! Maybe a few too many nods to their reboot, but they felt veiled enough to remain funny. Sounds like we might get another movie?! I’m so excited to have Futurama back!
It really wasn't bad. I liked how they recalled the tear-squishing ending of the last season and picked up immediately in the same scene. I was a bit afraid they would something like "ohhhh, somehow futurama returned. <unspecified>" and yet they went with the setup the writers left 10 years ago and it worked. I also appreciated them referencing the WGA strike, and this must have been a last-moment change, since the protest started only in May while I believe either Billy West or John Di Maggio confirmed the original voice work for the first part was done back in 2022.
I liked the meta aspect of it, it was very futurama and anyone who says its bad probably doesn't remember or has never watched the show before. I have to say however that it felt a bit much halfway through the episode. I think this should have been a short sequence of jokes or one 5 minutes long scene at most; did not have to make an entire episode around the show rebooting after a decade. Yes, we get it: it's funny how it got cancelled and rebooted so many times by so many different networks.
Having said that though, I honestly expected worse and have high hopes for the remaining 19 episodes.
I generally don't like meta episodes like the jokes in the show reflects on the real cast and writers. The self awerness usually ruin it for me. R&M did it well with the train episode, but I didn't like it too much here. Not only that, the entire advertising if Hulu was a bit much.
I mean the idea is great, they tried to tell us, the audience, that times are changed and the world have changed with all the pc, me too, gender awerness, etc. And showed even a bit of concern. Also that they laugh at themselves with all the reboots and breaks.
But I just didn't like how it was served. I wish it was an interview and not an episode (they laughed about that as well with the "that's too smart joke) and just write an episode like the know, without being afraid of all the pc and do on.
It wasn't bad I still enjoyed it, but as I said it felt to meta and self aware for my taste.
Sorta, yeah. I also didn't initially care much for the first episode on Comedy Central. I guess maybe the writers feel they have to do this sort of bridge episode.
I'm sure the future episodes will be better. I'm SUPER excited for Parasites Regained as Parasites Lost is my favorite episode.
Actually I felt the opposite. I though it was alright. Just hope that's not the writing style they're going to carry on with. Later episodes of Rick and Morty leaned in to "meta" style writing way too much.
I though the Hulu bit was some sort of pisstake on streaming and how TV has so massively changed since it last aired. Again if they leave it there I'll be happy.
I’m not optimistic based on that first episode, did they have a hard time getting a writer’s room together this time?
The animation was extremely unambitious and the plot was, charitably, a minimum viable effort. I’ve loved this show for the majority of my life, but if you don’t have something to say, move on.
The comedy in this episode was the “Now that’s what I call jokes we missed 201x” and there wasn’t anything beyond it to latch onto. After the quality of that last finale, I just want to forget that this happened, so far.
Not the best episode but not the worst! Honestly as far as reboots go I’m VERY happy with it. I’m sure they’ll find their footing!
I saw some people complaining that the voices weren’t the same but it’s been 24ish years since the pilot and they probably haven’t practiced in between the 10 year hiatus. Also Billy West is over 70 and Katey Sagal is 69! I couldn’t believe it. Seriously impressed how little the voices have changed if you take that stuff into account.
I’m looking forward to the next episode as it probably won’t be as meta and doesn’t have to address being revived after 10 years.
I was underwhelmed by most of the jokes until the geometry near the end. It's like they happened too slowly, so the impact wasn't as strong as they were in the earlier seasons.