Blahaj Zone matrix space for gender diverse folk (now with corrected links)
For those of you who don't know, the Blahaj Zone admin team runs a matrix space for gender diverse folk. Similar to lemmy, it's designed with a few "official" channels, but is otherwise a community curated space, with channels run by our members. You don't have to be a blahaj zone user to join.
If you're already a matrix user, you can head straight to our application room, or by searching for from within your matrix client.
Kaity and I aren't going to run one, as it's a centralised service. However, people are welcome to create one and share the details here (or ideally, in a thread of its own for better visibility).
It looks like the redirector is having some issues. You can bypass it by just searching for within your client and joining that way
Same (using I’m in several other matrix rooms, but it seems like the JS or form action on the join button is harfed.
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 502.
It's necessary because we had a transphobic troll target us for a while, who would create throw away accounts, join the channel and post all sorts of horrible shit where everyone could see it.
So we needed a system that means that accounts like that aren't exposed to our main community spaces until we're reasonably confident that they're legit.
It's the same reason we use an application on this lemmy instance.
I am having issues, after accepting the dm invite from the bot I have not received any messages from it, UPDATE after cleaning my client's cache it worked fine