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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
furry toaster
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Comments 10
I want a programming language that supports German style composite words
  • in Brazillian portuguese it had a completely different meaning, and it was used for disambiguation of the pronounciation of some words, in short "gue" in portuguese can make a ghe (gh as in ghost) or a gue (gu as in guatemala), a similiar thing happens with "que", this umlaug looklike was meant to make clear that the "u" was to be pronounced, so we had spellings like "freqüencia"

  • How to deal with ingrown hairs?
  • i get no ingrown hairs in my face, i mostly get them arround the genitals and the area between the buttchecks and the thighs, i usually shave after showering and usually use mosterizer right after

  • How to deal with ingrown hairs?

    I get a considerable ammount of ingrown hairs when I shave, with some being quite nasty (very inflamated and sensitive, laser is out of reach for now, I was considering waxing and epilation but still a out of reach now, I mostly want a way to help prevent ingrown hairs from appearing in the first place or making them go away faster
