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krimsonbun krimsonbun

[they/them] joined lemmy 2 years ago on but I wanna join this instance now :3

Posts 6
Comments 327
What generation are you?
  • Gen Z. For once we are a minority on a social media platform that isn't facebook lol

  • Reddit just isn't how it used to be.

    I left reddit on june 12th last year in protest of spez's decision to change the reddit api from being free as in free beer to an unbelievably expensive cost. That same day, I joined lemmy on a now abandoned account.

    At first, I had a hard time adapting to lemmy's significantly smaller community, but I got used to it and learned to embrace it. However, recently I started missing reddit a lot more, and after some consideration, made an account on the (demonic) website.

    But I don't think it felt the same way as before, sure, there was more posts, but they lacked a heart and soul, they were all so generic, as if it lost it's spark.

    Has anyone else that's been on there noticed anything similar??

    At what hour you go to sleep?
  • from 1 to 4 usually, 6 on fun days

  • Proton VPN now available without creating an account (Android)
  • proton's having a full on glowup

  • Is PopOS better than Ubuntu?
  • everything is better than ubuntu

  • Pity, really.
  • i do both

  • Me beating Hannibal every day of my rule
  • But Fabius! A roman always fights til the very end! You are describing but the tactics of a barbarian coward!

  • He's back
  • isn't he a nazi or smth

  • Technorule
  • o7

  • It's not that serious.
  • I can only see 3 forks here

  • hi comrades, i have made a uk leftist community for anyone who care to join.
  • just went to the first post i saw amd wrote this lol

  • hi comrades, i have made a uk leftist community for anyone who care to join.
  • hey idk you but here's some random advice: go outside, enjoy nature, explore, have fun. we don't have much time here!

  • pov rule
  • yeah we did. we always did. maybe not as much but we did. I'm not sure when you grew up but look up any ytp on youtube and tell me that isn't brainrot.

  • pov rule
  • pov maybe it's not that the younger generation is always worse, and it's just old people complaining as they usually do

  • Publishers Sue Google over Pirate Sites
  • This is one of the only times you'll see me defend google.

  • "i am but a regular tree"

    fr tho im so excited for 1.21 its gonna be such a good update

    Need to have my eyes checked Rule
  • why did i read "bamer cum"

  • I never follow the rule

    transcript: "I visit this community multiple times a day" "and yet I never post" "you have no control over me, gay people on my phone" "CRY"
