saw it today. I have to admit when "nostalgia" is used in most movies I roll my eyes and cringe, but I'll be damned if I didn't have an internal freakout as the cameos hit the screen. holy crap that was nostalgia done DAMN well.
great meta jokes, average plot, average action but as for enjoyment? 10/10. So good to come out of a movie happy and wanting to talk about it, in a good way
Not bad. Deadpool/Ryan Reynolds comic timing, or at least the editing, is spot on. The fangasm trip through the SonyFox X-Men movies, and significant cameos of characters, props, and objects from Marvel movies past, not necessarily MCU movies.
That one fight was good even if it didn't really have an ending.
I went to a midnight iSense screening and posted about it in the other thread. As I say there, it's quite difficult to discuss without spoilers but there are a tonne of gags, cameos and nice touches. It is probably the most meta of the three so far.