Polls are wildly conflicting. A recent Rasmussen survey found that Biden trails Trump regardless of third-party candidates.
In a two-way contest between Biden and Trump, 49% of likely US voters said they would choose Trump, and 41% would vote for Biden. That was a marginal increase for Trump since February, when he led by six points.
Looks like they are still using landlines as part of their method:
To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel.
They claim to offset this with various corrections, but it seems landlines are the only numbers they call.
It amazes me how many people seem to forget how much the polls played in Trump's victory. The media practically encouraged people it 2ould be such a landslide for Hillary that people didn't bother to vote. Trump has never won an election. The fucking retards running the DNC keep losing elections by their own incompetence. I feel like we keep living out the episode of Avenue 5 where the actor playing the captain in a TV sitcom wins the fucking election. We haven't had a deserving president since Obama and in THIS election I would vote for Baldwin's SNL Trump over either of the geriatric fucks who are actually running.