"Those who mimic the Nazi salute, even as a joke or an attempt to troll their opponents, trivialize the horror of the Holocaust," said the Anglican Catholic Church.
I mean church in the loosest sense of the word since it was literally only created in 1997 as an offshoot because they didn't like women becoming ordained.
The church part of the name isn't what really gets me. How can a schisim(from the episcopalians) of an offshoot(from the church of England) of a schisim(from the Catholic Church) proclaim itself katholikos (universal).
Meanings of words evolve. They're refering to the belief system rather than to the original meaning and ethymology. But when you know it does sound funny.
Yeah it's just the Catholics, with their belief in universal authority of the Pope, actually still embody that original etymology. And if there's one group that gets hung up on the original meaning of words in other languages it's theologians. Well, at least non evangelical theologians. Evangelicals like to invent meaning and declare the king James bible divinely inspired so who knows what's going through their minds half the time.