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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 10
Comments 97
I liked Fusion 360, I like Onshape - but I'd rather like something that I won't lose over the whims of one company. So, what?
  • Freecad +1

    WAIT !

    I think each person has to recognize that there is a time/energy cost to get out of enshittification hell, and then decide how much they're willing to pay. If the answer for you is at least "an afternoon of video tutorials", then Freecad will be fine for you. It's a complicated tool that you need some help learning; that's ok. It won't become your new hobby.

    If you don't want to pay that cost, that's understandable. If you feel mad that there is a cost at all, that's ok too. That's how enshittification works, and it sucks. As I said, each person will have to decide whether and how much they're willing to pay to get out of it.

    Anyway, the MangoJelly tutorials in YouTube are really excellent, and will have you up and running in a few hours at most. (My CAD needs are also very basic, and I was done after the first two parts, 30 min each.) For following along, I would recommend just using the main version, so that it matches his tutorial exactly, and do the steps as he shows you. It feels dumb, but it's such a fast way to learn. You can decide later if you want to switch to one of the other branches, depending on what features you care about or what annoys you most.

    Here's one of his later videos about tracing from a photo, but I haven't watched it:

    You can do it!

  • military industrial publishing complex
  • The meme leaves out the very important detail that most of the researchers working "for free" in the first panel are definitely getting paid, and usually by public funding (public universities and/or grants from taxpayer-funded institutions like NIH, NSF, etc.). That's a big part of what makes it a scam.

  • Man, kids can rock you
  • Thanks; it's an ongoing thing, and something I was aware of before. I was caught off guard more by how they were processing it, not really by the basic facts. But, we're good. Hanging together.

  • COSMIC: The Road to Alpha
  • This is looking great!! One line is ambiguous: "From here, we can work towards an eventual 24.04 release over the summer."

    Does this mean work, over the summer, toward an eventual release OR work toward a release that will take place over the summer?! Either way is exciting, but one of those versions is astonishing.

  • just for dads helping each other zipsglacier

    Man, kids can rock you

    Not looking for and dadvice here; more of a dadvent. Just had a sweet and apparently normal conversation with my 9yo about stuff going on in their world. Everything is fine; I recognize it as a normal and healthy processing of some shit that has gone down in our family.

    I know it's good to listen while they process this stuff, but damn. They way kids can be so brutally straightforward about how fucked up it is. And, it's just what they (we all) have to deal with, and they are doing it.

    We had a little talk over dinner and now they're doing their usual evening chill, and I'm rocked! So, like I said, I needed to vent a little. I'm not freaking out!!

    (P.s. No, this isn't about whatever truly horrific situation you might imagine. It's relatively mild, but still consequential for our family, and something we'll get through as well as anyone can.)

    I finally own a "Kleinsche Bottle" :D
  • Also, there are lots of KB stls out there. OP printed this one, and thought it was good enough to share (and I agree). So, it's useful to know which particular one they used. And, if it's not their stl, then linking is a way of giving credit to the stl author too. One more point: any issues or adjustments they made, for that particular stl, are useful to know (like they posted below, finally).

    I see the OP did update with the stl below. But I wanted to post here to say it's just good manners to add a reference for the specific stl of a print that was good enough to share.

  • gaming distro recommendation
  • I know that any distro can be a gaming distro in principle, but we don't really know what changes we should be making to improve his experience, so that's what we're hoping one of the gaming distros can help with. I'm fairly comfortable with what I need to do for my daily use, but not so much for games.

  • gaming distro recommendation

    My teenage son wants to try a new distro for gaming. Our family has been using pop os for years, but he wants to try something new. The main three I see are

    • nobara (fedora based)
    • garuda (arch based)
    • drauger (ubuntu based)

    The machine he's using is a 2018 Intel nuc. It has a strong processor (core i7) but no discrete graphics. I can't tell which (if any) of the distros above would be better or worse for his case.

    Reading around, it seems like Garuda might be slightly more fiddly. And, Drauger I only saw mentioned in a couple of articles, but not on this forum. Are these impressions correct? Do you have any other advice for us?!


    how can I remove some entries from the "recent" list

    I press Super and type "recent <filename>" to open some documents. But after reorganizing where some of them are stored, I now see entries for both the new and old locations. Currently the old ones are at the top of the list, because I've used them more often. Choosing those entries doesn't do anything, because the paths don't point to those files anymore. How can I remove the old entries from the list?


    Hatchet's Favorite (Jaws of the Lion)



    I haven't painted a lot, but I really enjoy doing it, and I love how great it looks even for my amateur level of skill.

    The model is 3d printed, and it's fun that some of the printing flaws kind of look like wood grain. The model is from here:


    How are posts and comments licensed?

    Stackoverflow, and the rest of the SE network, explicitly says that all user-generated content is licensed under CC-BY-SA. (link here). So, while SE has the right to do whatever they want with user content, they have to attribute the users who made it, and they have to keep the same or similar open license on the content. I know users can't really fight a big company on equal footing, but an explicit license like that is an implicit commitment to respecting, at least to some degree, users' ownership of their content.

    On the other hand, Reddit's user agreement includes this: " irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with respect to Your Content...." So, reddit asserts the right to use user content however it likes, with no rights to the users who generate it.

    Recent events make me much more interested in knowing how the content I generate will be licensed. I know a cc license on Reddit content wouldn't change most of what makes the recent decisions so terrible, but it would give some standing to the people upset with how reddit plans to use what they've contributed.

    I looked a bit, but didn't see an explicit statement about how the content in this server ( is licensed. (That's not a criticism; I think the admins have been busy with a few other things, and I really appreciate it!! I'm asking about this because I'm hoping to see more and more here.)


    I dried my filament, and it printed a lot better

    If only there was some way I could have known to try this sooner! /s

    Story: I wanted to try printing with petg, since I've read how much easier it is. But with a new roll I just had a really hard time. Lots of stringing, poor adhesion, and it just seemed like no amount of my usual fiddling would really make it better.

    Somewhere I read that even new filament can benefit from drying, because maybe it wasn't stored in the best way, or maybe it's older than you think. I also read about putting the roll on the print bed, heating it up and covering it for a long time, since I don't have a filament dryer. I did that for about half a day, and then sealed the roll in a ziptop bag with a silica packet because I needed a break from it. A week later and, it seems much better!?

    Either the drying, the break, or something else seems to have helped a lot! Happy printing everyone.


    how to set separate wallpaper for multiple monitors

    Last time I looked for how to do this, hydrapaper seemed to be the best option. Lately though I get a warning every time flatpak updates.

    ``` Info: runtime org.gnome.Platform branch 42 is end-of-life, with reason: The GNOME 42 runtime is no longer supported as of March 21, 2023. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported platform. Info: applications using this runtime: org.gabmus.hydrapaper

    ``` Is there something else people are now using? Or are they staying with hydrapaper (it seems to still work fine)?


    Where are the .desktop launcher files in Pop OS?

    I needed a reminder of where to look, and the first search result was in a reddit post on r/pop_os with a similar title. Since that sub is currently locked, I found my answer elsewhere. I decided it would be useful to post the info here too. I'll write my answer below, and someone can write a better one if they have it.

    (p.s. Thanks for keeping the reddit sub private; I think it's the right decision since the major reasons for the blackout have not changed.)


    video game recommendations for elementary-grade kids

    Anyone have any good suggestions? Educational stuff is good, but I'm also interested in other games that kids can play solo or with parents. (We're a PC gaming house, but I'm open to suggestions for any platform.)
