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sillypuddy sillypuddy
Posts 5
Comments 39
It is so convenient and free.
  • I think he's using it as an arrow. Like "are you using X? ➡️ Use Y instead"

  • Does any language have a word for mixing a beverage by pouring from one vessel into another?
  • Interesting! Would this be similar to how you might temper a raw egg mixture into a warm soup or somesuch?

  • Does any language have a word for mixing a beverage by pouring from one vessel into another?

    I don't mean something like "pour" or "mix" in the English language. The word should capture the idea of pouring from one vessel into another with the goal of going from a semi-heterogenous solution to a mostly-homogeneous solution.

    I commonly do this to mix my cocktails. I'm not sure why, but it just seems quicker/easier than either shaking or stirring.

    Thanks in advance! Just trying to figure out if it already exists before looking into making up a word for it!

    YSK: You can and should freeze your credit reporting accounts at all 3 providers (for US users)
  • Why make this post if you're not going to bother posting the links?






    (888) 909-8872

  • What's with all the tech layoffs?
  • I read it as an allusion to the price of everything going up. But yes, eggs.

  • A+ customer
  • This is such a toughie for me. In fancy joints, they might take it as a point of frustration on your part: "ugh, this service is slow to clear the table; get this mess away from me *stacks plates*". Or, even worse, that you're doing their job for them.

    But in a place like Waffle House, I'll do it.

  • You are my sunshine
  • Really?

    The first verse:

    The other night, dear

    As I lay sleeping

    I dreamt I held you in my arms

    But when I woke, dear

    I was mistaken

    So I hung my head and I cried

    I always took it to mean the person is mourning the loss of a loved one and they dreamed they were still alive.

    Also, I once heard that this song was about a horse named Sunshine. 🤷‍♂️

  • Florida Residents Flee State as Insurance Premiums Skyrocket up to 900%
  • It's happening here in southern Louisiana. My insurance premium has been steadily increasing for the last 3-5 years.

    Also, we're going through a drought which is causing a saltwater intrusion into our wetlands and wildfires in the marshes.

  • Depression moment
  • ngl I read the black scribble as "grababrushandputalittlemakeup"

  • What item did you "buy for life?"
  • If you ever make it out to Pigeon Forge Tennessee, hit up the Lodge Factory. They have a store there that they sell all of their rejected cast irons for a pittance. Most of the rejects only have minor imperfections.

  • What item did you "buy for life?"
  • Pretty much the same story for me. I'm creeping up on my 40s. Mine has lasted me through highschool and college. I still use it as my daypack on family vacations and to haul my DnD stuff.

  • It's true.
  • I quite like my Honda Accord.

  • What is the most "Thankless" job?
  • I'd say so. My wife has a degree in culinary. She's used it to work her way up the hospitality industry and is now a regional GM over a few hotels in our area.

  • Api errors?
  • I access mostly through the Lemmy PWA. I saw some weirdness yesterday. I didn't think to try to capture screenshots or error info. It seemed like I couldn't get a response from the server and the PWA just pooped the bed. I was able to get on an alt with a different instance so I figured some admin-y stuff was going on.

    I had to log in to upvote and comment, but all seems well right now!

  • My 13yo stepdaughter just recently started watching Gilmore Girls with her mom. What are some good things to say during their post-watch discussions that make it sound like I'm in the know?

    If it helps, her mom and I have been married a hair over a month.

    programmers naming things
  • I get all of the associations, butt strings?

  • Is the old advice to change companies every two-ish years still the best practice for career advancement?
  • I would second this.

    I've been at my current company as a senior SW engineer since 2015. Mostly because it's a good company, I like the people, I have mentors, the culture is good, and it's all remote. It's for a government contractor which means I ended up getting switched to a different project every few years when a project begins to sunset. Most of my experience is with various government contractors and this is the only one that's been able to transition me to other project. I'm currently working on my 3rd major project with this company and various minor projects in between.

    My annual raises have been about 3~5%, but even then I began to feel like it wasn't enough. During my last transition, I mentioned to my new boss that I felt like I wasn't being compensated enough. He asked me to name my price and I said something reasonable. He was able to give me exactly that and a few months later during the typical raise cycle I got another 5% on top.

    I really think a lot of companies don't put much thought into retention once someone is brought onboard. You just get scooped up and they do the 3~5% living expenses increase but not much beyond that. If you're feeling like you're not being compensated fairly, definitely bring it up to a manager or someone in the chain of command that can do something about it.

  • Microservice architecture, they said. It will be fun, they said.
  • Once upon a time Twitter was held up as the ideal microservice.

  • What are your tried and true remedies for itchy bug bites?
  • If you've got several all over, I use an antihistamine like Benadryl or even Allegra. The itchiness is an allergic reaction and the antihistamine helps to calm your immune system down.

  • Did you hear about the homicidal Mexican train conductor?

    He had loco motives

    Today I learned sillypuddy

    TIL how to fetch communities from other instances so that I can subscribe from my own instance. is a pretty small instance devoted to science and nature communities. It's relatively tiny compared to and In order for a community to appear in the smaller instance's community list it must first be "fetched". To do this, you have to enter the full url for the community you want to fetch into the community search bar.

    So for example, I was trying to find [email protected] and it just wasn't coming up in the community list. I tried entering "nfl", "[email protected]" into the search bar. I even navigated to[email protected] which was giving me a 404 at the time but is now working after the fetch.

    So if you're on a smaller instance and aren't seeing communities from larger instances, try entering the url of the community as it would be hosted from the larger instance. Hit enter to do a fetch, then try typing the name of the community again to execute the search.

    PS: I had to do the same trick again on to find this community.


    Host-plants for butterfly gardens in south Louisiana (LSU AgCenter)
