I really really loved this episode, and I think it is bonkers that so many found it boring/bad/unnecessary! I'd rather skip the "dead girlfriend montage" of the previous episode.
With everything revealed about Cobel this episode, is it possible that she has a dormant chip in herself? I wonder if the risk of it being flipped is why she fled from her last meeting with Helena.
I loved the slow pace, even by Severance standards, accentuating the vibe of an isolated and abandoned company town. Felt almost like Koyaanisqatsi with all the scenic shots.
Honestly couldn't care less about kobel, boring episode, boring revelation, im glad it was only 30 minutes but even then i was skipping all the dead space.
I have so many questions. If Cobel is that kind of a mastermind, why isn’t she higher up in the company? I feel like she must have done something to be degraded to manage MDR.
But we get a little bit more insight into the child labour. Ms Huang must be in a similar fellowship.
I don’t know if Cobel will be a reliable help to Mark. Was she in charge of having them meet?
So if Cold Harbor really is the greatest project, then she's exactly where she wants to be.
I suspect Helena found a way to get Petey removed so she could sneak in. Then when Cold Harbor is complete she could say she was apart of the team (ignoring that she doesn't view her innie as a person, that's still true, Helly is just a tool used by her.)
So whatever Cold Harbor is, it's still part of Cobel's plan, using her technology. Her work on th project is viewed, by her, as a reward for developing the technology.
I saw a review on IMDB saying it could have been ten minutes, and I can't help wondering whether that person has watched any of the rest of the show until this point. The whole thing has been glacially slow, even if it doesn't really feel that way.
And by reserving an entire episode just for Harmony's back story, they didn't have to interrupt the main timeline.
I have watched all severance episodes, and some many times. This was undeniably the worse episode. The events that took place could easily have been a 10 minute side story from a different episode, but instead they made it an entire episode.
Yes, other episodes have been glacially slow, but in those we gain lots of insight into the universe, or at least we spend time with the characters we care about.
Overall, I am fascinated by how they manage to make the pace both slow and suspenseful at the same time. But in this episode, the suspense was completely missing for me, and the revelations felt very on the nose.
They made an interesting creative choice to avoid basically all of their main characters and film a slower paced episode. I don't think that was a good idea. The discovery about Harmony's past was interesting though.
The last few episodes have all been a bit low on content. I really love the vibes so I'm still enjoying the series, but they've been teasing mark reintegrating since episode 3 and it's starting to drag. If season 2 ends without any answers I'll be pissed.
My wife is pissed that we haven’t gotten any further with Mark being reintegrated for awhile. I think the last episode about Gemma was definitely needed and provided amazing backstory. Same with this episode. I just get mad with how they tend to drag certain things out. It’s a beautiful show and I’m sure it will pay off in the end.