Pottery And Ceramics Discussion
- imgur.com Early Spring 2025 Wheel Class
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Some pots before and after glazing.
Mixed media experiments
Just wondering if anyone has experience with pouring aluminum or copper on their pottery? We've done melts with glass, but getting ready to try aluminum, and maybe copper if that works out.
- imgur.com Throwing and trimming practice March 1&2 2025
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We are renting a wheel and have it set up in the basement. It's a very relaxing hobby!
Animal mugs
Haven't figured out how to make imgur posts show images on Lemmy yet.
These are some mugs i made a while back. Still trying to find my process. I drew the linework on Affinity Designer on the iPad and printed out the line work. Used a pencil to scratch out the line work and further carved it. Then painted with underglaze then brushed clear glaze on top after bisquing.
I think I would forgo the clear next time.
First Kiln to Buy
I’m getting the electrical for a kiln put in tomorrow and I’m pretty stoked. I’ve been doing pottery on and off for the last couple of years now and one of the bottlenecks has always been not being able to do my own firings.
I particularly like to test my own glazes and experimenting with stuff like that is hard to do in a community kiln. I’d feel so guilty if something happened and I ruined someone else’s piece, so I’ve been looking forward to doing my own firing.
Anyway, the problem now is deciding what kiln to get. My initial idea was just go get a Skutt KMT-1027-3. It’s expensive but I’m sure it would just work. (Price: ~$5000)
But I am kind of hacky too and I love a good electronics project, so I’m toying with the idea of getting a KilnSitter model of the 1027 and putting together my own controller with a Raspberry Pi. I would love to be able to control my kiln with some open source software from my phone like I can do with my 3D printers using Octoprint. (Price: ~$1500)
Then there is the question of whether or not the 1027 is too much kiln for me in the first place. It’s quite large and I am not a fast producer so it would probably take me a while to fill the kiln unless I was doing a lot of large objects or platters. But I like the ability to do these if I want to, so I don’t want to limit myself with a kiln that is too small. (Price: ~$3000)
There’s also one guy asking for $3500 for a used Skutt KM (non-touch) 1027 and I think he’s asking too much for a used kiln but it is cheaper than the brand new models and does include kiln furniture. So that’s another route. (~Price : ~$3500)
Any tips about which route I should take?
Welcome to lemm.ee/pottery
Welcome! This is an area to discuss pottery related topics and questions, and share cool pottery related pics.
This is the first time I’m making a community so still figuring things out here.