radio N1VUX. software (semiretired). Scotch/Cognac/Armagnac (fan/ex-pro). aka @BRicker ^Sarcasm thus^
@[email protected]
No one calls it that, but if they did, it would be
Gray with an A.
- proofreading the Internet since Archie & Veonica
(FWIW I'm enjoying the reruns. Especially from my pixelfed acct on desktop with big monitor. I've not done much digital B&W, mostly leaving that with analog chemical, only using monochrome to rescue digital images with unfixable wrong white balance and no RAW/DNF saved. Yeah, I did sometimes forget to put return WB=AUTO at the end of tricky shoot...)
@[email protected] I would expect SAGE to have detected jamming
(either as way too many simultaneous targets, in systematic patterns, OR absurd non-natural noise swamping Rx),
unless we had advance intel on the device, SAGE operators would've struggled to guide early fighters to intercept a significant % of actual incoming bandits, which would still be a mission failure.
@[email protected] @[email protected]
Right on!
All art is about people,
only some of it obviously.
Little boxes' social commentary may not be obvious upon first hearing, but the ?third? Verse attempts to apply clue-by-four.
@[email protected] +1 Classical Allusion
(for refernce to the song)
@karlauerbach @mattblaze
yes, Matt's image is a very different view than the hackneyed standard Daly City postcard. Which would be better rendered with an easel and pastels than Kodachrome anyway.
Matt's use of digital B&W in the built-environment particularly is approaching a digital Ansel Adams for a new century.
@[email protected]
Amusing comcept
@[email protected]
I wouldn't blame LeC for the excesses of Moses but yes, his and contemporaneous urban planning violated his own 'human scale' critereon; planned dystopias. We're lucky so few visions were completed.
Is there a planned city drawn & built in the automobile era as successful as Paris or D.C., drawn & built for horse-carriages ?
@[email protected]
This view of the Secretariat only focuses thought on your discussion, considering it by itself as a historic building.✅️
Usually it's reduced to straight-man for the GA building's punchline, a study in contrast.
Which is fine, that was the point C & N &al were making. ( Similar to unicameral Nebraska statehouse. )
@[email protected]
Impressive fine detail!
@[email protected]
Leica doesn't expect their dentist clientele to get fancy with ND filters!
(But it'd be more honest to record the unfiltered illumination and shutter.)