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Photography Matt Blaze

2AM, Adams-Morgan, Washington, DC,. 2023.

2AM, Adams-Morgan, Washington, DC,. 2023.

Excessive pixels for such a late hour at


Photography Matt Blaze

2AM, Adams-Morgan, Washington, DC, 2023.

10 3
  • This is a high resolution stitch of three captures with the Rodenstock 32mm/4.0 HR Digaron lens, yielding a 230 MP image with roughly the angle of view of a 14mm "full frame" rectilinear lens. The high resolution invites you to look closely for signs of life, but they remain elusive.

    While this is literally a photo of the street, it's not a "street photo" at all. The empty nocturnal streetscape is completely devoid of life and human activity, though it hints at sometimes being a bustling place.

    • So this was mostly a play on the concept of "street photography". The street is the literal subject, but everything about it - the absence of people or any depiction of street life, the use of a heavy, tripod-laden camera, the compositional formality - defies the conventions of that genre.