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n1ck_n4m3 n1ckn4m3
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Comments 33
Switch emulator Ryujinx shuts down development after “contact by Nintendo”
  • IANAL, but from what I read regarding Yuzu / the title and prod keys / etc., is Nintendo's argument is three-fold -- the only way to obtain those keys is to use a tool that itself is a violation of the DMCA, use of those keys by an emulator to decrypt Nintendo's protected content in a method outside of Nintendo's authorized use is a violation of DMCA even if the keys aren't provided in the emulator, and there is no legitimate use of those keys except to circumvent controls intended to protect copyright.

    Therefore, by their argument, any emulator that can use those keys would effectively be subject to DMCA even if you had to bring your own keys, because unless the emulator only ran homebrew or completely decrypted content and had absolutely no decryption capabilities, you'd still be using the prod keys and title keys to decrypt content in violation of the DMCA in order to execute it. So, the tool that dumps the keys is a DMCA violation and any emulator that uses those keys to decrypt protected content in order to execute it is a DMCA violation, and Nintendo has a strong case that the actual keys themselves are only useful for making unauthorized copies of content that bypass the encryption that exists to prevent it.

    It stands to reason that a clean-room developed Switch emulator that required all content it ran to be decrypted prior to being able to run it may be able to exist without Nintendo shitting it into non-existance, since Nintendo couldn't make any argument that the primary use was a DMCA violation as no encryption would be being bypassed by the emulator. They'd probably then go after whoever made the tool to dump the games, but they'd probably be less successful.

    On the other hand, the pragmatist in me says that unless I was 500% sure of my online anonymity, I wouldn't want to pick a fight with Nintendo -- even if I thought I was right. They have enough money to lock someone up in legal battles for a very long time and most independent developers wouldn't have anywhere near the finances required to bankroll appropriate defense counsel. Can't say I'd blame people for not wanting to invite that hellscape into their lives.

  • Mike Lindell claims ignorance over neo-Nazi symbolism in MyPillow prices
  • Watterson created a masterpiece with that series, that's for sure.

  • Star Wars Outlaws sales were 'softer than expected,' so Ubisoft is slamming the release-it-on-Steam button early [will come to Steam in November]
  • I think OP meant Steam users have already seen the reviews, so the bigger market probably isn't going to cause as big of a sales boost as Ubi was hoping.

  • Wisconsin mayor carts away absentee ballot drop box, says he did nothing wrong
  • That's the whole goal this election. The conservatives are going to interfere with the election in as many places as they possibly can. All of the chaos they create they'll then leverage to refuse to certify the election, then they'll move proceed with a contigent election because the chaos they've created means we don't have enough actual electoral votes to complete the election, then they'll all vote Trump, and then someone who lost the electoral college and the popular vote will have stolen the election.

    We're absolutely fucked.

    EDIT: I wonder if it's possible for the current administration to do anything to impact this potential. You'd think the American people would support an executive order blocking contingent elections as it robs them of their vote. Short of something like that happening, I'm terrified that there's nothing that can be done to stop them.

    Do you think it would help or hurt the situation if Biden were to make a state of the union address and call out the imminent threat of Republican-led chaos causing this situation? Would shedding bright light publicly on it cause the people responsible to scurry away like the cockroaches they are?

  • Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?
  • What, are you gonna be on the front lines with your guns shooting? The overwhelming majority of people with this mindset have never held a firearm in their entire lives and have no idea what they're even talking about. What are you even insinuating here? Is your end goal that we burn the entire country down because "wahhhhh both sides aren't perfect"? Grow up, only children refuse to see greater good through compromise because they can't see past not getting what they want. Single issue voters love to stick their head in the sand and pretend the one issue that they're whinging about is the most important in the world.

    Have fun standing on your "genocide" comment when you're in a fascist dictatorship run by nazis. "but but but the genocide wah"

  • How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?
  • Trigger haptics can work on PC but it is game by game/implementation by implementation. Returnal works when connected via USB but not wirelessly (unless you enable Steam Input for DualSense, but that completely removes haptic trigger capabilities, turns the touchpad into buttons, and switches to Xbox button glyphs), but Ratchet & Clank works wired or wirelessly (without Steam Input enabled for DualSense). The DualSense support on PC is kind of hit or miss, I wish they'd just standardize a library that offers the base features wirelessly -- the controller is really nice.

  • 'Desperate' GOP effort to change Georgia election rules may lead to violence: expert
  • "The next election will be bloodless if the left lets it be" has been their rhetoric now for months, this is precisely why. Totally OK for them to illegally steal the election, but any attempt to stop them is viewed as some kind of incitement of war. Fuck these fascist pieces of shit. I really hope that there's enough scrutiny and publicity given to their election stealing plans to prevent them.

  • Hot Take: Long Tall Weekend is an underrated album.
  • Maybe I Know and Rat Patrol are both solid as well

  • Dev of slept-on tactical RPG says it "sold badly" despite glowing reviews: "My next project will be more focused on 'Does this sell'"
  • User reviews are suspect.

    This is one of the reasons I'm glad that Steam started cracking down on reviews that were just some stupid ASCII art and reviews that were just one big joke -- neither of them help people understand whether a game is good and there's just so much of that trash in the reviews. It's a small change but so far it's been positive.

  • Rachel Maddow: What Worries Me Most About Election Night
  • I absolutely read it, I was replying to the comment that "every state needs to help make Harris a clear winner" by pointing out that the Republicans literally already made it impossible to make Harris a clear winner in GA.

    But ok, tell me more about what I did and didn't read.

  • Rachel Maddow: What Worries Me Most About Election Night
  • Like GA, a battleground state, where they just made it legal for the elections board (3 Republicans and 2 Democrats) to refuse to certify the election results for absolutely no reason, indefinitely, without any burden of proof? Even if 100% of people in GA voted for Harris, they'd find some bullshit reason to refuse to certify the state's results. Kemp is too much of a fickle piece of shit to stand up against it, so we've already lost the state in November.

  • Rachel Maddow: What Worries Me Most About Election Night
  • Why do you think they keep saying "the transfer of power will be bloodless if the left lets it be"?

    They're not even hiding it.

  • 'Method to His Madness': Sanders Warns Trump Is Setting Stage for Election Denial
  • This. THIS THIS THIS. More people need to be aware of this, the only thing that can be done at this point is mass awareness that they're going to attempt to steal the election via the certification process. If in 4 years we haven't been able to root out these fascists from the positions of authority there is no way we will be able to do so by November.

    Everyone MUST be clear that this is how Trump plans to steal the presidency -- he has been greasing these wheels now for years and he has enough support that he absolutely can do it. It's not some far-fetched scheme, the Republicans have literally started legislating to ensure this is fully legal in battleground states and to @[email protected]'s point, succeeded already in GA.

    Make sure literally EVERYONE you know knows that this is the plan. It's already underway and they will succeed if we don't turn election certification denial into the poison pill that project 2025 is.

  • 'Method to His Madness': Sanders Warns Trump Is Setting Stage for Election Denial
  • Georgia (ya know, a typical battleground state) just made it legal for the voting board to refuse to certify elections indefinitely without any burden of proof of malicious activity. It's also 3-2 Republican on the voting board, so, I'm 100% sure it doesn't matter if 100% of people vote for Harris, the Republicans will declare some kind of voting incongruety with absolutely no proof and refuse to certify the election. They've already refused to certify several elections in GA when it was illegal to do so and wouldn't you know it, the Republicans in charge were never held accountable for it -- instead they fucking legalized it.

    This is the real threat to our democracy -- it's not an insurrection at the capital, it's a bunch of loyalist fascist cronies being puppeteered by a madman hell bent on stealing the presidency.

  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is coming to last-gen consoles next month
  • I'll believe it when I see it. I'm running a 10900KF running at 4.2GHz with a 4090 and spinning in a circle on Koboh still drops my FPS to 10-12 from ~110-120 (even with RT fully disabled, since the implementation of it in this game is hot garbage). This game was the straw that broke the pre-order back for me, haha. I played the original on PC and loved it -- was surprised as hell to see the sequel have so many problems that the first didn't.

  • New Georgia rules let local boards withhold election certification
  • He doesn’t intend to win this election by votes, he intends to win this election through actions like this.

    Johnson will refuse to certify the results of the election that put Democrats in the House, claiming some kind of bullshit irregularities with no proof, leaving the House controlled by the Republicans. They’ll then claim irregularities in the presidential election and force a contingent election where they have a 100% chance of electing Trump no matter what the public votes.

    More people need to be made aware that this is 100% legal for them to do (this is a perfect example of them making it even MORE legal to completely subvert election certification in a battleground state with no proof), and more people need to be aware that it is almost certainly what they will try. The only thing that can possibly stop it is significant awareness by the mass population of Americans and significant publicity (similar to how mass awareness of Project 2025 turned it into a poison pill).

  • Project 2025 is an unmitigated polling disaster for Trump and Republicans
  • We'll be lucky if he disappears for 4 years when he loses (more likely Johnson will refuse to certify election results or enough red states will claim irregularities to move to a contingent election where he wins even having significantly lost the electoral college), but there's a 0% chance he won't be back in 4 years to try again even if he does actually shut the hell up for 4 years after losing.

    EDIT: Oh look, they’ve already started making it super-legal in battleground states:

  • Trump picks a pointless fight with Georgia Republicans – it could cost him
  • There is nothing in this world I would love more than to be wrong about this, that's for sure.

  • Trump picks a pointless fight with Georgia Republicans – it could cost him
  • He doesn’t intend to win this election by votes and his plan doesn’t need votes in the future.

    Johnson will refuse to certify the results of the election that put Democrats in the House, claiming some kind of bullshit irregularities with no proof, leaving the House controlled by the Republicans. They’ll then claim irregularities in the presidential election and force a contingent election where they have a 100% chance of electing Trump no matter what the public votes. The worse that Dipshit Don loses, the stronger his argument about the vote being stolen will be, and the more his ravenous shitheel base will eat it up.

    More people need to be made aware that this is 100% legal for them to do, and more people need to be aware that it is almost certainly what they will try. The only thing that can possibly stop it is significant awareness by the mass population of Americans and significant publicity (similar to how mass awareness of Project 2025 turned it into a poison pill).

    EDIT: Oh look, they've already started making it super-legal in battleground states:

  • GPD Win n1ckn4m3

    60hz IC Firmware Update - Software Instructions

    GPD has released a software only version of the fix for the screen stuttering issue in the GPD Win 4. The .EXE file IC/EC flash can be found here:

    READ THE INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED IN THE FILE -- both readme.txt and readme_EC.txt -- (or follow se1000's new guide here) -- you MUST do both the EC flash ( and IC flash (Win4_LCD_Update.exe) to fix the stuttering. The IC flash will not work until you have done the EC flash.

    • Extract to the root of a USB stick
    • Boot from that USB stick (press F7 while booting to bring up the boot menu)
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to update the EC to V08.00
    • Unplug the USB stick and reboot Windows
    • Fully close MotionAssistant -- if it is running, it will stop the flash from succeeding.
    • Run the Win4_LCD_Update.exe as Administrator (REQUIRED -- right click, run as Admin) to update the Display IC

    If you have any issues, join the Discord and ask in the GPD Win 4 channel, someone will be happy to assist.
