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mozz mozz

I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

Posts 182
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Exclusive: Boeing asks suppliers for decade-long titanium paper trail as check for forgeries widens
  • Oh yeah it’s all that fuckin Chinese titanium

    People were so worried thinking about titanium that they just plumb forgot to put the bolts in, but yeah if we can fix the titanium I’m sure that’ll clear right up

  • We keep getting evil because y'all vote for the *lesser* evil. Some of y'all are more focused on personal comfort rather than liberation.
  • So if fascism is coming, all we gotta do is not vote, and it won’t come.

    Dude you gotta tell some of these activists and academics, they’ve been saying all KINDS of stuff about what we should be doing. They’ll be super stoked to hear it’s just the people who keep voting that are the problem and the solution is so simple.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • Totally normal.

    If I went into a Brazilian political forum and was super enthusiastic about telling the Brazilians who they should be voting for, and then after I made it sort of a part time job for a while, someone realized that I don't speak Portuguese and asked hey what's up with that, where are you from, and I said not, oh my wife is from Brazil so I'm into it, or yeah I moved here I'm living in Rio for the year for work but I haven't learned, or none of your business why but yes it's of interest to me, but HOW DARE YOU AD HOMINEM ME and receive it as an attack... yeah that would be super normal. Totally ordinary stuff.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • Don’t forget getting CIA assets killed by the dozens and regularly shitting on himself

  • I absolutely love how fragile they are
  • Surely it is a mark of the solid correctness of all of their views.

    Just like Russia is the world’s most awesome military and economic juggernaut and it’s super not fair for anyone to be allowed to attack inside their borders because that is cheating.

  • What's the men's version of Victoria's Secret?
  • Serious answer: Sharp haircut and good suit

    (Assuming you are generally fit, capable to make eye contact, generally meet the basics in addition)

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • Tell you what, set me up so I can talk to the authors; they can raise their “debunkings” and I can respond in detail, and they’re okay publishing that alongside their misinformation. If having your world views challenged can be a two way street, then I’m so down.

    If it is just me being required to give views to what I am highly confident is a bunch of bullshit trying to ruin the democracy in a country I care about, then no, I think I will not.

    You’re not from the US, correct? I didn’t see you answer the guy who asked who it was that taught you to write decimal points to separate thousands groupings when writing a dollar amount.

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • I have watched a couple of Second Thought videos before. I don’t think I need to augment the experience any further.

    (Actually I did just click on it, play a few seconds, and then click away, to damage their ranking slightly in the algorithm.)

  • Why The Democrats Never Get Anything Done
  • $150 billion in student loan forgiveness

    40% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030

    Income inequality going down for the first time in God knows how long, with working class wages rising faster than even pretty historic inflation

    If you are invested in things like, I need you to not raise corporate taxes, or I need you not to send weapons to Ukraine, then I am sure the Democrats have been very disappointing yes. But there are a lot of people for whom that is not the viewpoint.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • You're misunderstanding what exactly they were referring to, the modern trad wife movement

    Yeah this is a fair point - way back up in my original comment I covered a couple different ways in which the internet “tradwife” thing is fucked, but I didn’t also say that it is explicitly approving of some of the most toxic and misogynistic parts of “conservative” society whether modern or old-school. The whole thing is a core of authoritarianism wrapped in a thin veneer of “traditional gender roles”. I can see I kind of left the door open for misinterpretation because I spoke up about the second without really distinguishing it from the first, when conflating the two is the whole “tradwife influencer” shtick and that’s relevant here. It is fair.

    I also really think you need to check yourself on the "it's your fault conservatives make wild accusations about queer people" bit there.

    Also not what I meant, although I could see how it could have sounded that way.

    What I meant is, if someone’s applying a whole toxic stereotype to 100% of people who pursue a lifestyle they don’t vibe with, that’s wrong, regardless of who’s on which side of it. Not that prejudice against traditional gender roles has any kind of causal relationship with prejudice against non traditional gender roles.

  • “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”
  • I haven’t seen it for a while; it was mostly a kind of joke on my part as applied to the propaganda people in the present day. But yeah it used to be super common as of a few months ago to see overlap between “Biden’s no good for Americans I’m not voting and you shouldn’t either” and “NATO needs to stop meddling in Ukraine and blocking peace, this whole war is the West’s fault” on the same account.

    Fun thing if you see someone advocating for voting for a third party: Ask them who. If they say Jill Stein or Cornel West, ask whether they agree with those candidates’ opinions about NATO. My bet is that you won’t get an answer.

  • Kamala Harris leads Donald Trump by 6 points in New Hampshire, poll finds
  • I came in here for exactly this.


    Here is how to volunteer for text banking, apparently. I plan to get off Lemmy and do some later today.

    The fuckin world could still end in January. Don’t get all complacent.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • Yeah dude. Everyone’s just looking for an enemy to dunk on. It’s like “Aha! I got one!” and they get all excited to debunk some kind of imaginary shit that no one involved in the conversation is saying.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • Eh. I was trying to keep it productive. Railcar8095 already made in a nicer way the point that I made in an argumentative way and then deleted.

  • Biden Phones in to Harris Event Amid Wacky Claims He’s Dead
  • I meant it’s good that it is finally weird in a good way

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • I’m gonna be honest, I read “Traditional gender roles are abusive 100% of the time,” and didn’t bother to read anything else. Maybe that makes me the bad faith guy, but I feel like once I’ve taken one bite of the dinner and it tasted that obviously wrong, I don’t need to just keep eating and hope it gets better.

    I just went back and skimmed your whole comment. Okay, so you’re talking about the abusive legal structures that often went alongside consenting traditional roles. Yes, those are fucked, as I already said. If you are against those, I am with you on that, and I am aware that people sometimes call those “traditional” as a way of excusing them. As I already said, that’s not what I am doing and not what I am talking about.

    We’re saying, I think, more or less the same thing, as far as what parts are okay and what parts are not. Although you’re still framing it in a way that seems like it’s making this blanket statement about the other grouping that would never be okay directed at a queer or otherwise “friendly” grouping.

    Edit: Made less inflammatory

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • 100% of the time, huh

    Just an unbroken line of black eyes and unwanted pregnancies going back to the beginning of time, huh

    Dude. If you want conservatives to steer clear from making wild accusations about what goes on in queer communities and why their whole lifestyle is unhealthy and awful 100% of the time, so they don’t need any further evidence other than just participating in the lifestyle to accuse everyone of taking part in some kind of horror even if they are just innocent people trying to live their life without being shamed for it, you need to extend the same courtesy.

    I feel like we’re going in circles. That’s my take on it though.

  • Every Trad Wife Influencer is Completely Insane
  • There is something wrong with a traditional gender role life.

    No there isn’t.

    If a queer person is empowered to tell a conservative that “listen I’m gonna need you to STFU about my lifestyle choices, there’s not a thing wrong with them if that’s what I have decided to do” - which is 100% fair - then any person who feels that traditional gender roles suit them fine needs to be empowered to make the same STFU statement to anyone who’s somehow decided that they get to make the same determination on behalf of someone who just wants a family and kids and a farm somewhere, because they’ve decided that’s what will make them happy.

    Misogyny is misogyny. “Normal” gender roles are different. Maybe the issue is a difference of definitions; there’s a certain amount of spousal abuse and authoritarianism that got written down as “traditional” by the ones that like to practice it. If that’s what you’re talking about or what you thought I meant by “traditional,” I will be fully in agreement with you that it’s fucked. What I am talking about is something different though.

  • Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Joe Biden at the White House and later spoke with Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Harris pushes cease-fire after Netanyahu meets with her, Biden separately

    FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A "Colored Sorority" Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    With VP Kamala Harris now officially running for president, the alleged racists on the Right are foaming at the mouth. Case in point, on Tuesday morning (July 24), during a segment on Fox and Frien…

    Sly FOX News Host Calls Zeta Phi Beta A “Colored Sorority” While Criticizing Kamala Harris, Xitter Dragging Commences

    Edit: Guys, watch the video. He clearly said “college.” I am sorry for posting misinformation; I didn’t watch the video first, and just assumed it was legit 😕.

    30 - Politics mozz

    Don’t treat Trump like he has no agency

    0 Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

    Just like that, Donald Trump went from being three years younger than his opponent in the upcoming election�to being 19 years older. That change seems to have left Trump a wee bit confused. In the ...

    Trump refuses to accept he's not running against Biden anymore

    House GOP leaders urge members: Stop making race comments about Harris


    TIL psychedelics supposedly work by desynchronizing the brain A psychedelic state arises from desynchronized brain activity

    Psilocybin induces profound changes in brain connectivity.

    A psychedelic state arises from desynchronized brain activity

    “There was four years of Trump and nothing particularly bad happened”

    Except you know, that one thing

    Or that other thing

    71 Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech

    The odds of Donald Trump securing victory over Joe Biden in November have lengthened from 2/5 on Thursday to 8/15 on Friday, according to William Hill.

    Donald Trump's chances of winning election slump after RNC speech

    I have no idea about William Hill. But the odds they describe sound about right to me, and the Nate Silver thing and the summary of Trump’s speech sound informative

    inb4 BIDEN COPIUM HAHAHA etc and etc

    138 AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

    ‘A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president. They are interested in removing the whole ticket,’ congresswoman says

    AOC says many who want Joe Biden off ticket also want to remove Kamala

    This stupid topic again

    But sure


    America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump | Will Bunch

    A four-day tent revival in Milwaukee celebrated total surrender to the cult of Donald Trump — and maybe the end of America as we once knew it.

    America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump | Will Bunch
    52 Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining

    FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker shows Joe Biden has a 53 percent chance of winning the election, while Trump has a 46 percent chance.

    Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining

    Polls are crap

    It’s a little bit notable how they change over time, but mostly it is just a bunch of poor methodology noise

    But, I do feel it’s relevant to point out that even in polling land Biden has been gaining for the last few weeks and it’s notable which media outlets are pretending it is the opposite of that (like severely the opposite) and to wonder why that is


    "Democrat" as an adjective from Lemmy accounts

    • There are 229 accounts in Lemmy that have used the phrase “Democratic Party” more than once in the last 6 months or so.
    • There are 188 that have used the phrase “Republican Party” more than once.
    • There are 25 that have used the phrase “Democrat Party” more than once

    Having "Democrat Party" (or similar constructions like "Democrat voters") be unusual on Lemmy makes perfect sense. It's something I pretty much never hear outside of conservative circles. It always sounds really weird to me and I don’t think it would ever occur to me to use it. It’s not surprising that it’s so rare on Lemmy.

    What is unusual is that there's quite a bit of overlap between accounts that use this unusual phrasing that's pretty much only seen from conservatives, and accounts that claim to be opposing the Democrats from the left -- giving reasons and arguments why Lemmy users should not vote for the Democrats, because they are not doing enough to advance a leftist agenda (or, that voting is not worthwhile, or similar things.)

    The conclusion is left for the reader. I am, honestly, a little bit on the fence about listing the accounts or going into the data. I decided it would be drama-inducing to list accounts specifically; honestly, it's useful and informative detail, but it would create some heat without light, probably, and there's no reason to think that 100% of the accounts that are part of the overlap are what the obvious conclusion would be that a lot of them are. I'm going to simply state the conclusion, and anyone who wants to replicate the data for themselves is welcome to do so.

    I did ask two of the accounts that were part of the overlap what was up with it, and neither of them answered me, although a third party did chime in with this explanation:

    > I've had various liberals tell me Democrat was a form of dog whistle or sign I'm a right winger. One person started to dig into my mutual aid info trying to figure out if I was a Russian bot because I said "Democrat" instead of Democratic. I've tried to Democratic as a noun, and it felt grammatically incorrect. "I'm running as a Democatic." "The current majority in the house is with the Democratics." > > Personally I think "Democrat" works for both candidate, party, and voter. "Biden is the Democrat's Nominee" vs "Biden is the Democratic nominee".


    Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

    Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.

    Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President

    I hate that this is the debate we’re having now

    I also hate that I’m feeding into the NYT’s lazy and transparent attempt to undo their previous partisanship with new opposite partisanship like those two things cancel out and add up to journalism

    But what the hell, if that’s where we’re at, this is a relevant data point about the landscape


    It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? There’s only one relevant question

    Fearful thoughts on hearing Biden’s first news conference since November 2023

    There’s only one relevant question
    319 Long Island bill could mean jail time, $1,000 fines for face masks that hide identity

    A county on Long Island could become one of the first legislative bodies in the tri-state to ban face masks that conceal the wearer’s identity — with violators facing potential fines and even jail time.

    Long Island bill could mean jail time, $1,000 fines for face masks that hide identity

    Straw Hat Riot


    Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words: "America Ends" Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words

    Timothy Snyder succinctly predicted what will happen “unless Trump loses.”

    Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words

    Columbia removes 3 deans for texts that touched on "antisemitic tropes"
