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mewpichu mewpichu
Posts 7
Comments 23
Pancakes with Fresh Fruit
  • Not sure where you would find them in person outside of restaurant supply stores, but if you do a search for 2oz sauce cups, a few places sell them online. (I'm USA based)

  • Pancakes with Fresh Fruit
  • Honestly I'm a horrible cook, so I couldn't tell you! I'm personally a big fan of pancakes with a non-syrup wet/moist topping. These came with a dollop of mascarpone and some lemon curd that just hit the spot!

  • [Bug Report] Community links misinterpreted as user links
  • Seconding this! Also when it happens, I get an endless "Could not find this user" error at the bottom unless I close and reopen the app.

  • Pancakes with Fresh Fruit

    At a local cafe near me

    2 Feature Requests
  • Thanks, that did the trick!

  • 2 Feature Requests

    1. I'd love for there to be an option for some sort of persistent opaque header so that the status bar is visible/doesn't overlap text.

    2. A more robust search. Some way to separate searching by post, community, instance, user, etc. It's sometimes super difficult to find the community I'm looking for, especially if the name is a word commonly used in posts


    Mr. Darcy and his favorite blanket

    Alternative Calorie Counting Apps to MFP?
  • I'm a big fan of Calorie Counter by Lose It. It has a nice UI and a lot of bells and whistles (including barcode scanner) included in the free version. I actually pay for premium now because I like the app so much.

  • How many of you use dating apps? What's your experience with it?
  • My GF and I were aligned in that we were both not interested in getting to know someone too much virtually without being willing to meet in person. I think it really helps to set expectations early on, and either they share those expectations or they don't.

  • How many of you use dating apps? What's your experience with it?
  • Oh absolutely! We just find it hysterical because of the reputation it has. In all honesty, if two people are on the same platform, there's nothing to stop two people from meeting. There's just a lot more lower quality accounts to wade through.

  • How many of you use dating apps? What's your experience with it?
  • I wildly met my GF of 2 years on Tinder and we ask each other every day wtf were you doing on Tinder

  • Petite Fitness mewpichu

    Hello fellow petites!

    I thought I'd get the ball rolling, as I'm sure there are more of you out there!

    I clock in at 4'11"/149cm. While I definitely need to lose some weight, I started my heavy lifting journey about 2.5 months ago, so I've been very focused on building muscle/recomping. Lovely to meet you!

    Does this work?
  • Beehaw just unfederated with us recently. They were getting overwhelmed due to a massive influx of users and less than desirable mod tools.

  • Test post from
  • Nope, it's just beehaw that independently defederated with and This has no affect on communities not hosted on beehaw.

    So basically if there's a community [email protected], then serves as an information hub of sort for that community. All syncing between different instances goes through the original, but will no longer receive the beehaw syncs. If a user from posts, it doesn't come directly to us, it uses wherever the community lives as a bridge. In this scenario, because we're cut off from the sync, we would not see any comments from users outside of our instance.

    [email protected] however uses as the hub. Because is federated with, our local version is being kept up to date with the original and is not affected. So if someone from commented on [email protected], we'd be able to see it because it's a different instance acting as the information hub.

    Let me know if that helps, or if there's anything I need to clarify!

  • Does this work?
  • Other servers that are still federated with the original beehaw community won't see our comments here, as we're now commenting on our local version. Beehaw stuff is effectively a closed garden situation for the time being.

  • [vent] does anyone else get frustrated at larger folks who want to lose weight?
  • So my partner is also taller, fatter, and has more muscle mass. We're both trying to lose weight, and she set her pace to be twice as fast as mine, but I believe she still eats ~500cal more than me per day. So yes, it sucks.

    As a fellow shorty, I find it was such a game changer to add some weight training. I've only lost ~7lb so far, but my muscles have become significantly stronger and it allows me to up my daily intake bit by bit.

    Also, if 1200 feels unsustainable, definitely give a smaller deficit a try. The best plan is the one you can do, not the one that gets you to the goal the fastest.

  • Test post from
  • (I'm from, but I don't have a beehaw account)

    My understanding is that we still have a local version of all the beehaw communities, but it will not actively sync with the original beehaw version. Consequentially, our posts won't show up on any instance with an active federation with beehaw. So until they decide to federate again, this community is effectively cut off and only folks can post here.

    Communities that are not originally from beehaw should be unaffected.

  • Why do movies cost so much to make?
  • If sure there's a pros and cons list for green screen vs LED wall, but honestly I think it's just so amazing that LED tech has come as far as it has so quickly!

  • Just want to say I friggin love Kbin! Glad I came over from Lemmy.
  • The irony of reading this on lemmy haha

  • Is the anabolic window a real thing?
  • My understanding is that the anabolic window may or may not be a thing depending on the source, but with how digestion works, you can't really line up the moment absorption with said window. I believe there are some studies out there showing that the timing of eating pre vs. post workout didn't have a large impact on muscle gain as opposed to just making sure you're getting enough calories and protein on a daily basis.

  • Rule

    Proposed possible icons for
  • My fav is #3. Simple enough that you can decipher it in a small format while clearly communicating what it is.

  • What's in your purse/wallet/bag?
  • Wallet, keys, disinfectant wipes, mask, pencil, protein bar

  • what the heck is socialism?
  • I'm not sure the USSR space race is the best example to use to make your point. The largely accepted reason as to why the US eventually beat them to the moon was that the NASA let a significantly more coordinated and efficient effort, combined with more robust and quality controlled manufacturing.

    The USSR program had a number of competing chief designers ultimately promising ambitious, but commonly uncompleted, projects. They were known for treating each project as a standalone, as opposed to efficiently using each project as a stepping stone towards achieving the next. Their space program was 100% limited by the systems they had in place.

    All in all, the "space race" was a marketing campaign on both sides to get the public to accept programs that honestly were too expensive for either side. After the whole moon race, both sides decided to change direction, got proper expectations in place, and ended up completing many other firsts that are a whole lot less sensationalized.

  • NSV - Lifted more than my bodyweight for the first time
  • Yes! I'm right now on a 2 day split with legs and back/arms, plus 1-2 cardio days.

  • Mr. Darcy knows he's not allowed on my desk while I'm working

    But I sometimes give in anyway cause he's too cute 😭


    NSV - Lifted more than my bodyweight for the first time

    Oh man I feel high on endorphins

    I (27F) got into heavy lifting at the start of April as a means to help with fat loss because I'm super short. I PR'd my squat (65kg) AND my deadlift (75kg) today. Never thought I'd make so much progress so quickly, newbie gains be damned. And I still have so much fat to lose, and so much muscle to gain!

    Feeling stronger by the day, and super excited to grow with this community!
