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landsharkkidd landsharkkidd

I'm just a boy, standing in front of a statue of Steve Rogers, asking it to love them.

they/them, ask me for comic recs. Uh... yeah. Have a great day.

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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 30 Nov 2023

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 30 Nov 2023
  • This isn't a hot take! Because it's very factual.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 30 Nov 2023
  • I did mine with YouTube Music and my top artist was The Beatles. Second was Ringo Starr. Third is George Harrison. Fourth is Paul McCartney. Fifth was Hail the Sun.

    I just realised why The Beatles was number one at 10 hours, it was because I listened to the Anthology albums (1, 2 and 3), which are 2 hours and a half hours (give or take). And also the times I relistened to Now and Then.

    God this is fucking embarrassing hahaha.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 30 Nov 2023

    (Sorry if celebrating the death of a horrible war criminal is not good).

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 27 Nov 2023
  • I mean changing sheets suck no matter what. I just wish I did it earlier. Oh well, that's my fault.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Mon 27 Nov 2023
  • Gosh... changing my sheets makes me realise how disabled I actually am. Jesus Christ.

    But hey, the summer sheets are on, though this week it'll be cold so...

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • Not surprised more people got it. A friend of mine got one too. Considering that PS5's are now more readily available than they were previously.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • Guilty.

    Though funnily enough, I did complain on Mastodon about how much I hate that Black Friday is becoming a thing here in Australia and then I go and buy a PS5. To be fair... JB's deal thing isn't called Black Friday so...

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • Look at us!

    Edit: Okay looked at your comment about you picking one up, but like totally agree with you on the whole "not so much an impulse purchase, but also kind of is" because yeah I knew that once I got my job I would look into getting a PS5 (also looking into the ROG Ally, but hopefully we'll get news about the Steam Deck coming to Aus... one of these days), but I didn't think today I would get it. But well look at that! Very keen to pick mine up tomorrow (or today I guess), annoying thing is, is that it doesn't fit in our TV console. It's one of those Ikea 1x1 square shelving unit things on its side.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • I wish I could put it as a work expense. It's a volunteer position, so while I see it as a job, it's not a paying job (which is fine, I knew that going in, but I get video games in exchange so yeah). But man that'd be so bloody helpful!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • 100%, and the fact that some of the songs they made were the beginnings of new genres. Like Helter Skelter is essentially proto-punk, hard rock, heavy metal and all because Paul heard The Who made a loud song and he wanted to make one louder.

    It is wild that if Lennon and McCartney never met, what bands wouldn't be here because of it? What musical genre's wouldn't exist or would be different w/o their influence.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • Which is very surprising since they weren't recording music as the four of them until like '62. But they were coming out with an album every six months, and the fact that singles were really important back then (that and there was a UK album, US album).

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • So I was looking at the Billboard #1 thing for uhm... unrelated reasons, and IIRC 1964 was I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles, they also took #2 and a few other spots in the top 10 that year as well.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 17 Nov 2023
  • Welp... I bought a PS5 during my lunch break. Now to be fair, it's $679, the disc version AND I get Spider-Man 2 for free (for non-gamers, Spider-Man 2 came out less than a month ago and it's usually priced between $100 and $125 depending on where you get it from). I mean I put it all on Afterpay, but I only have to spend $169.75 every fortnight so yay!

    Besides I also don't have to a) borrow my partner's PS5 when I put my hand up to review a PS5 game for my 2nd job b) when PS5 exclusive games are up for review I can actually do it without having to worry about a. and c) Play PS5 games when I want and don't have to wait every 2nd weekend for my partner to bring their PS5 or I go to their place and play it.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 11 Nov 2023
  • So I think I've mentioned it before, but I've been listening to all the Beatles' post-breakup albums.

    Originally this wasn't gonna be a spoiler but it ended up very long. So hey, if you wanna hear my thoughts on their post-Beatles stuff click here. You don't have to though. I just need to let someone know my thoughts.

    First is Lennon and like, eh? I mean, he has some pretty good songs, and obviously his discography is going to be vastly different to the others based off time and all. I liked Wall and Bridges and Double Fantasy, but his other stuff with Yoko is weird (and I say that as someone who will listen to scremo and speedcore), and Some Time in New York (1972) while interesting politically, it's so jarring and really just... 70s. I mean their title track is Woman Is The N-Word of the World, which politically, I'm all for, but the title does make me uncomfortable, though that could be the point.

    Next is Harrison, which, I actually really like a lot of his songs. His 2-track album Electronic Sounds (1969) was definitely something. But All Things Must Pass is a hit for a reason, and it's so sweet he wrote a song for the group of fans that would hang around Abbey Road. And When We Was Fab on his album Cloud Nine (1987) is a bop. Harrison was such a lyrical genius it's a shame that he didn't get many credits on The Beatles albums, because most of his are my favourites.

    At the moment I'm going through Ringo's catalogue, and I've got to say, genre-wise I think that Ringo's is the most varied. Obviously, Lennon didn't really get a chance to follow the rising popular genres of the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s compared to Harrison and in turn compared to Paul and Ringo. But man, sometimes you'll get country, jazz, a bit of ska too, and then pop, electronic, soul. It's wild. I think his early stuff is a little rough, but I guess it was really difficult for Ringo to get out of that bubble. The stuff I read about how he was scared that John, Paul and George were going to kick him out is just tough to read. But I'm actually digging more of his later stuff, I think I've got maybe one or two more EPs to go and then Ringo will be finished.

    Thus, the last one will be Paul. I left Paul for last because he's my favourite, though I have heard his music post-breakup. I mean y'all heard the banger Temporary Secretary? Unironically slaps. But yeah, I mean I've heard some Wings stuff, I remember when Egypt Station (2018) dropped and I was walking to work and I loved it. But yeah, very keen.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 10 Nov 2023
  • Going on radio again tomorrow and I found out today that the 3/3a tram doesn't go through St Kilda any more. So now I have to go to Malvern 😭 to catch a tram.

    Though tomorrow afterwards my sister is having her birthday dinner at a KBBQ place (which I'm pumped for but also jealous because I wanted to do KBBQ for my dinner last year but mum didn't want to do that) so mum suggested that she can drive me to St Kilda. So whoo!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 10 Nov 2023
  • It depends on the cooker you have and what you're cooking. Like I have the shitty Kmart one that only cooks one way (there is a steamer but we don't use that as often as we should) so it would take maybe 15 to 30 minutes, and will cook everything the same no matter what you put in it. But the fancy ones that sing when it's done, Zojirushi, they do white rice, brown rice, short grain rice, congee, quinoa, porridge, slow cook, etc. they all have different cooking times.

    So yeah, depends on the type of cooker and what kind of rice you're cooking, and how much of it too.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 10 Nov 2023
  • I've done that before and it's the most embarrassing shit ever. Like, I've sat doing my own thing for 30 minutes and it didn't even cook... UGH.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: Fri 10 Nov 2023
  • I feel like I'm going to be one of the youngest ones here, but I am old enough to remember when installing things on your computer the window would be full screen and have a blue background.

    (I was going to mention dial up, or renting from Video Ezy/Blockbuster, but they're too easy and also my local Blockbuster went out in like 2016 or 2017?)