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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Volvo is moving EV production from China to Belgium as the EU eyes tariffs on Beijing
  • It is impossible to compete when the playing field is not level. If state subsidies, energy production, co2 impact (not bullshit certificates and offsetting) could be equalized, then tariffs wouldn't be so badly needed.

    I too would like to have no VAT, import tax etc, and for everyone to get along nicely. The reality is, that we live in a highly competitive world where major powers are fighting for control over critical industries and raw resources.

  • Gehwegparken: BVerwG räumt Betroffenen Anspruch auf Handeln der Kommune ein
  • Ja das ist einfach peinlich, vor allem wenn man angesprochen wird und nichts unternimmt. Rücksichtslos ist hier viel zu nett formuliert. Bei uns parkt immer wieder einen Camper / Transporter direkt an die Kreuzung neben eine Kita, blockiert den Gehweg und man sieht hinter dem Auto einfach gar nichts. Überqueren mit einen Kind ist da einfach nicht lustig. Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auf den Urteil, und bin gespannt, ob die Schwiegereltern auch das anmeckern. Wieso Gehweg kein Parkplatz mehr ist 😯

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • I have many friends which are vegan and we live in an area + work in an industry with a comparatively high amount of people with such a diet. We have talked about the topic at lengths, and my understanding is that in order to have a healthy diet you have to do quite a bit of research and spend time planning your meals. And then going out on a dinner is often a pain, although this has improved in the recent years.

    We eat much less meat than the general public. But going the next step and eliminating meat and then diary products is not trivial. Unless you have less responsibilities and or more prior knowledge to get you up to speed. I simply do not have the time for that, I have a small kid to take care of. And we often struggle to plan enough meals ahead of time in the short period of time between finishing work and doing groceries.

    It might sound like an excuse to you. It feels the same on my end, when my concerns are dismissed with some hand waving by people which usually are in a completely different place in their life than me.

  • Gehwegparken: BVerwG räumt Betroffenen Anspruch auf Handeln der Kommune ein
  • Ich mache mich jetzt absolut unbeliebt,check this out: Ich habe lange Jahren meinen Motorrad auf dem Gehweg geparkt, bis zum ich einen Stellplatz bekommen habe. Auf die Straße habe ich es nur eine kurze Zeit ausprobiert. Nachdem mehrmals alles von riesige SUVs, bis falsch geparkten Miles Transporter weniger cm von meinen Motorrad standen, habe ich das aufgegeben. Man wird nicht nur dumm angeguckt (ich nehme nämlich Autofahrer auch den Parkplatz weg!), der potential für materielle Schäden ist enorm.

    Und natürlich gibt es in den ganzen Viertel nur ein paar dedizierte Parkplätze für Mofas und Motorräder.

    Also schön ist es nicht, und viele andere hier machen das auch. Meistens nimmt man Rücksicht und blockiert kein effektiv nutzbare Teil vom Gehweg. Manchmal aber auch nicht. Ich hätte mir hier generell weniger Autoplätze gewünscht, und ein paar davon könnte man für Mofas opfern. Leider ist hier sogar die SPD gegen die zErStÖruNg und es bleiben nur die Grünen mit den vernünftigen Vorschläge.

    Edit: ich wollte nur eine andere Perspektive geben, falls das jemand interessiert :)

  • Does the form factor between 3.5" and 2.5" matter in a NAS server?
  • Running ZFS on consumer SSDs is absolute no go, you need datacenter-rated ones for power loss protection. Price goes brrrrt €€€€€

    I too had an idea for a ssd-only pool, but I scaled it back and only use it for VMs / DBs. Everything else is on spinning rust, 2 disks in mirror with regular snapshots and off-site backup.

    Now if you don't care about your data, you can just spin up whatever you want in a 120€ 2TB ssd. And then cry once it starts failing under average load.

    Edit: having no power loss protection with ZFS has an enormous (negative) impact on performance and tanks your IOPS.

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • You are completely ignoring the fact, that for many it is too time consuming and involved to go vegan. And then you are imposing your belief that others should invest the same amount of resources, be it time or money, or they are worse human beings not caring about animals. In other words, being able to switch your diet is usually a sign of at least slight financial privilege. I just had some tofu so you don't have to preach to me. But let others be and do not compare veganism to anti-genocide. It is absolutely ridiculous.

  • My stupidity saved me from being hacked today!
  • I know what you mean. Most people mean well, some are a bit too aggressive, but probably also mean well. I honestly sometimes roll my eyes when I start reading about tailscale, cloudflare tunnels etc. The main thing is not to expose anything you don't absolutely need to expose.

    For access from the outside the most you should need is a random high port forwarded for ssh into a dedicated host (can be a VM / container if you don't have a spare RaspberryPi). And Wireguard on a host which updates the server package regularly. So probably not on your router, unless the vendor is on top of things.

    Regarding ansible and documenting, I totally get your point. Ten years ago I was an absolute Linux noob and my flatmate had to set up an IRC bouncer on my RPi. It ran like that for a few years and I dared not touch anything. Then the SD card died and took down the bouncer, dynDNS and a few other things running on it.

    It takes me a lot of time to write and test my ansible playbooks and custom roles, but every now and then I have to move services between hosts. And this is an absolute life saver. Whenever I'm really low on time and need to get something up and running, I write down things in a readme in my infra repository and occasionally I would go through my backlog when I have nothing better to do.

  • My stupidity saved me from being hacked today!
  • One word of advice. Document the steps you do to deploy things. If your hardware fails or you make a simple mistake, it will cost you weeks of work to recover. This is a bit extreme, but I take my time when setting things up and automate as good as possible using ansible. You don't have to do this, but the ability to just scrap things and redeploy gives great peace of mind.

    And right now you are reluctant to do this because it's gonna cost you too much time. This should not be the case. I mean, just imagine things going wrong in a year or two and you can't remember most things you know now. Document your setup and write a few scripts. It's a good start.

  • What is a good multirole server setup for a racked server?
  • You don't need 8 drives when they are 8 times larger than your current ones. I went from planning for 5+ drives to just downsizing to two drives in mirror. Then I can expand with another mirror.

    Unless you need uptime and want to guarantee an SLA for your own services, you are much better off with a mirror or raidz1. Do regular backups (off-site, incremental) and don't fear the disk failure.

  • Mozilla Firefox is Working on a Tab Grouping Feature
  • I'm using FF tab groups and Sideberry, other than the occasional link getting opened in the wrong group I haven't had issues. I really need to test Chrome and it's profiles to see what the fuss is all about :D

  • What VPN would you recommend for torrenting?
  • I am seeding 70 torrents on a private tracker, most of it some niche stuff. It's getting downloaded, but I have 0.00 seeded across all 70 torrents. I have no port forwarding. 1 + 1 = you need proton / airvpn.

  • Protecting HDDs from (external) train vibrations

    I am worried that externally caused vibrations might damage my HDDs (NAS in the planning). The subway / metro runs under my building, and every time the train passes, this causes slight but measurable vibrations in the 50-100 Hz frequency range. It is more like a rumbling noise than the usual vibration of a passing train.

    I've been researching the topic of vibration dampening on and off, and things like sorbothane popped up in my search. I also remember finding foam plates in an eye scorching yellow material.

    My plan is to set up the case, fire up a measuring app on my phone (say phybox or the like) and test a few options. But I figured, I can't be the first person to be guarding against outside vibrations. :D

    Other than the usual 3-2-1 and backup regularly, what can I actually do? I would like to make sure that the lifespan of the HDDs doesn't get too negatively impacted, so the chances of a catastrophic failure, as well as having to invest 1k EUR every couple of years is reduced as much as possible. Thanks!
