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hyperhearse hyperhearse

lover of video games, space, sci-fi and fantasy movies/books and anything that can make me smile!

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[Weekly thread] How is your week going? 03-03-2024
  • Great now that it's Monday. Today is my Friday, currently at the doctor's office and have work in a few hours. Ready to get it over with and just chill lol

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • No prob, buddy, respond at your leisure!

    Aaah, okay I gotcha now. Man, so you're a real MH vet! Even got Freedom Unite under your belt. That's pretty cool honestly! The oldest one I've played was MH3U I believe, the one on 3DS. Back then I didn't give it the time it deserved to properly learn it so I gave up on it. Gave World a chance super late after it released and been hooked since, so I'm trying to make my way backward the best I can. From the MH titles I have played, MHGU is definitely my favorite one, though. I really dig the style of the game, the use of arts, the animations. Still taking some getting used to, weapon control wise. I keep attempting to pull off combos that I can't, hahah. As I said, it's really just the sheer amount of quests. It's got more than any game I've played so far, certainly.

    Oh dude, really? ~188 monsters? That's a massive roster, I love that, and the inclusion of yet another difficulty is amazing. I would love to see that kind of variety in modern MH, that's insane. And yeah, I heard about those! Wasn't the Magnet Spike kinda like Gunlance? I'll have to look up some footage but that's awesome, and I'm truly hoping that Capcom will bring those back, or something new entirely to the weapon selection in Wilds. I love most of the current weapon choices but I'm itching for something new to use, can't lie. Both sound like they were exceptionally fun to use though. Thanks for that rec, man!! Most definitely appreciate that.

    Oh, I can believe it! I love that about GU myself, there's always something new to find out and it blows my mind every time.

    If you do, be sure to let me know! It's on sale rn and I'm very tempted but I'm on PS5 and still debating if I wanna do that to myself. I'd been keeping up with it since release and they didn't give it the patches they should've.

    Also, love the MH talk, dude! Would love to continue this in DM's. Maybe we can even team up sometime if you're on PS5!

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • Heya! I actually haven't played Frontier! Mostly on account of the fact that I don't actually have the means to play it, otherwise I would certainly give it a go. From what I've heard others say about it, they said its challenge stemmed from having to claw your way through, and it wasn't comfortable as their hands would cramp lol. Oh really? Variety in quests? Weapons? And I don't think there's anything wrong with some anime flair, though tbf, I wouldn't ever touch God Eater for that very reason. That one is too anime for me.

    I would still try Frontier though. MH has easily become one of my favorite series. I'm still slowly getting through MHGU also but there's just sooo many quests, holy shit.

    Did you ever try Wild Hearts, btw? Sucks it flopped bc I still to this day wanna try it. Looks so fun but I've seen and heard all the things lol.

  • What thing do you love that you can never get anyone else to check out?
  • I always struggled getting friends into Monster Hunter, until recently. I still primarily solo everything but I got my one Canadian buddy into it (Rise, he said World was too slow and clunky. I'll take the win either way), and we hunt together when we have time to. My friends are always like "doesn't look like my kind of game," and sure, sometimes you can get an idea of how you'll like a game from watching gameplay. But they never even attempt to play it to see how it actually feels. They just dismiss it and move on. Feels bad, MH is fun as hell. One day I'll have a full squad lol.

  • Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?
  • See, I played through some of the remake and it was pretty cool for the most part, I just can't make myself finish it. But I LOVE Crisis Core. I guess I'm the oddball out here.

  • Which games do you dislike, but the rest of the world loves them?
  • Final Fantasy VII, honestly. And it's not like I haven't tried to like it but it's just not that good to me. I'm a long time FF fan and I have played all but XI, but VII misses me. The music is bomb, for sure, and I love a few of the characters.

    It's also talked about SO much by so many in the gaming community and I'm really just tired of hearing about it. I wish Square gave this level of love and attention to some of their other FF titles.

  • what is a parental advice you wish you could give to your father/mother before they had you?
  • No form of abuse, dealt with it enough from bullies at school.

    Encourage me to participate in a sport, or art, science projects or ANYTHING that will prevent me from becoming a depressed pos.

    Go to therapy for your trauma instead of passing it on to me.

  • After a year of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, a lifeline for trans and nonbinary people faces cuts
  • I'll just be grateful it'll still be around, but for how much longer? It's very concerning to know that it's entirely possible that a lot of trans folks won't be able to access this anymore. I know there's other options, but still.

  • Is your life on track?
  • Lol, I don't even know where the track is.

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2023-11-10
  • Oh cool enjoy! Would love to know which case ends up your favorite after you've finished! And I'm very excited to get the HD Apollo Justice collection coming out! Thought it would never happen.

    I'm liking it a lot so far. Took me a bit to adjust to the controls but it feels perfectly fine now. Difficulty seems just right and the boss fights I've had so far are honestly pretty fun. Menu navigation can be a little janky though.

    I think if you're into the whole rogue-lite thing you should give it a try! You're playing Nioh (one of my favorite PS titles), so I think you'll enjoy it. There's compendiums for what you pick up that update with each run you make. Weapons, relics, items, etc. There's upgrades for the protagonist, which help with future runs. There's cosmetic incentive to beat the game under certain conditions. Don't want to give away too much but, I think it's worth a try for sure.

    And Rise, yeah! I got Sunbreak super late so all the updated content is just there at once so I'm slowly trying to make my way through it. Trying to get a set together before going to fight Velkhana and Amatsu. I remember Velkhana giving me a very hard time in Iceborne, hoping for a better hunt this time around.

  • What are you playing this weekend? 2023-11-10
  • Oh dude, I love Ace Attorney! Which case are you currently on?

    As for myself I'm thinking to play some more Warm Snow. Been really getting into that. Loving the style and overall feel of the game. Might play some more of the Amnesia collection as well, though might sub that for Monster Hunter lol

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • plenty of hit and runs where I'm at also, especially for pedestrians. the amount of accidents even in just a week is scary. exactly! it's almost like driving the speed limit is the crime now. there's ppl who will pass on a non passing road just to get ahead of me bc I'm apparently driving too slowly. just the other day I got honked at bc the left turn light had just turned green, but the person in front of me hadn't even started turning yet. no one has a speck of patience on the road. I just want to know why lmao

    ffs, seriously? that's such an extreme response. and it's truly so mind blowing to me that there's ppl who view pedestrian life as secondary to getting where they need to be. I've seen drivers swerve past pedestrians as they're crossing and honk at them and everything. it's wild out here.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • couldn't agree with you more... can't tell you how many times I've nearly been hit by another car all because they cut in front of me suddenly, not signaling, naturally, and just sped off like they're in a race. I will see ppl going nearly 100mph in the interstate, just weaving back and forth between lanes. will never understand why ppl have to be in such a damn rush all the time. what's the point of getting somewhere 2 minutes sooner if you hurt or possibly kill someone along the way? worst part of it is that the cops here never seem to be around to keep assholes like that in check.

  • How often do you get asked how your day went?
  • pretty much this. i get asked all the time and i give the same answer. still nice to be asked how im doing but my response changes only once in a while.

  • What are you Watching? (August 2023)
  • currently trying to finish up season 2 of the mandalorian so i can finally start season 3! problem is i've got too many shows i'm trying to work through lol.

  • Monster Hunter Books: Monster Hunter Illustrations 1-3
  • this is super cool. really want a copy of each for myself. gonna search high and low for these, thanks for the share!!

  • I don't like "Metroidvania"-style games because I find they make me very tense and irritable.
  • i think my problem is beating them. i got to a point in hollow knight where i wanted to get into the white palace but didn't have enough orbs, or whatever they're called. got really tedious when it came time to backtrack and find more so i put it down. i found that it's a bit harder trying to find where to go in that one too. but i enjoyed the atmosphere and art direction the most with hollow knight.

    i do find that im enjoying dead cells way more though. just haven't completed a single run yet, but working on that. i have gotten pretty close.

  • Sun Spots on Our Active Sun - July 2023
  • space is so awesome!! truthfully, i wasn't even aware of sun spots!

  • Into which pocket do you place your phone?
  • it depends on the pants and how tight fitting they are. if they’re tighter i’ll usually have it in my rear left pocket. occasionally i’ll put it in my front right for easier access.

  • What are you playing this week?
  • disco elysium! just started that game but really, really diggin it. the narration and music only amplifies how beautifully the game presents itself.