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  • [release] version 1.12.0-20240702-pre released for testing Release 1.12.0-20240702-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed fix: floating action button bottom padding in post list by @diegoberaldin in #1070 fix: moderator and admin indicators by @diegoberaldin in #1058 fix: shortcut selection for feeds f...

    Release 1.12.0-20240702-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    I want to thank all those who installed the latest development builds and gave feedback, you are being really helpful with both bug reports and suggestions for improvement โ€” thanks @[email protected] in particular!

    In this intermediate release I fixed some bugs with navigation, moderator/admin indication in comments and layout; implemented some enhancements like long press on bottom navigation items and updated the translations โ€” a special mention for gallegonovato for Spanish one and outer_air for Brazilian Portuguese.

    If everything goes well, by the end of this week or the beginning of next one I'm going to release this month's stable version in prod.


  • AVIF images fail to render [bug]

    Pixel 6 Android 14 App version 1.11.2

    Works fine through the web interface.

  • [release] version 1.12.0-20240628-pre available for testing Release 1.12.0-20240628-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed enhancement: process error messages from instances by @N7-X and @diegoberaldin in #1010, #1011 fix: sets the comment expanded and visible state when loading more by @N7-X in #1012,...

    Release 1.12.0-20240628-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Hi everyone, this is the last development release for this month! This release has a lot of improvements for the majority of which I have to thank @[email protected] for all the time dedicated to debug and fix issues (and implementing new features like the most needed highlight in search results). This release includes also some of the feedback provided by @[email protected] especially in layout updates towards a more M3 compliant look. Finally, translations have been updated with your suggestions on Weblate, which is helping a lot in making user experience better for everyone. Thanks a lot for all your help and contributions, enjoy the weekend and remember L. F. E. T. ๐Ÿฆ

  • [discussion] let's talk about the bottom navigation bar

    Last week I received some constructive criticism on the project's Matrix room by @[email protected] โ€” BTW if you guys are not on Matrix yet, you are all invited โ€” and there was an interesting point about the bottom navigation bar, which I converted to an issue to better keep track of it.

    The original idea was to alter the order of the items in the navigation bar, and I was also suggesting to make it entirely configurable as for which items to include and in what order. But the whole question is more complex than that, e. g. because some people don't expect to find "Settings" in the bottom navigation at all and would like it to be in the navigation drawer on the left.

    Personally, I would also like to have bookmarks in the bottom navigation bar instead of settings and would like to swap things that are displayed there and shortcuts that appear in the profile screen (e.g. bookmarks, upvotes/downvoted, drafts, etc.) even if this implies some rework on global navigation and the UI.

    Additionally, you know that I am not a big fan of shortcuts in the profile either, but I would prefer to have a panel on the right (like community info or user info) containing all these shortcuts and the logout action instead of placing it in the top bar.

    I am therefore creating this post to foster discussion about this topic and gather ideas, so feel free to leave your opinion no matter how much rework it implies.

  • Misleading text for deleted comments

    I noticed that deleted comments are replaced by the text You have deleted this content. But it's another user who deleted their comment, I didn't delete it. Maybe it should be changed to something like deleted.

  • [release] 1.12.0-20240620-pre available Release 1.12.0-20240620-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed feat: restore deleted post and comments in #998 feat: edit swipe action in #994 fix: replacing lemmy handle using pure regex in #992 fix: favorites in drawer in #990 feat: change fa...

    Release 1.12.0-20240620-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Hi everyone! This week's dev build contains a feature I'd been planning to add for ages: the possibility to restore contents (posts and comments) you have deleted previously.

    There are also several features you requested (and I'm very happy to receive your advice), e.g. the possibility to add/remove favorites directly from the navigation drawer, enhanced community list in drawer with sorting, add the "edit" option in the card swipe actions, configurable inbox preview length and so on.

    Finally there are quite a few fixes for markdown rendering, one of them with the help of NicKoehler. Thanks to those who helped either with code contributions or with your bug reports (which made it easier to found the issues).

    Hope you like it and have a nice weekend as always! p.s. Next week I will be off so don't worry if I am not reactive as usual.

  • [Bug] Markdown code blocks don't show up in inbox [Fixed]

    When a comment starts with a code block, the reply is completely empty in the inbox.

    I also noticed that the replies are sometimes shortened a lot in the inbox. Is there an option to show full replies in the inbox?

  • Dollar sign character ($) doesn't appear in Raccoon

    I've been confused lately why so many headlines have only used numbers when referring to money without the dollar sign ($) present. Turns out it's actually a defect in Raccoon.

    Post in Raccoon: !

    Exact same post in Jerboa: !

  • Single letter replies not showing


    (This is a community in which everyone must reply with a single letter.)

  • [release] 1.12.0-20240613-pre Release 1.12.0-20240613-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed enhancement: allow unsubscribe while pending status in #934 enhancement: write crash report in append mode in #935 fix: keyboard type for text inputs in #938 enhancement: community ...

    Release 1.12.0-20240613-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    The weekly development release is out! The big news for this one are:

    • the brand new and awesome application icon (and splash screen) created by NicKoehler
    • the translation to Traditional Chinese and Cantonese made by Cloudless โ˜ผ.

    Since I am starting receiving contributions and wanted to give credits to those who deserve it, I added a new "Acknowledgements" screen in the "About" dialog where you can see the list of people who helped with artworks, localizations, code, etc.

    Other improvements, involve the possibility to create new communities and started the support for new Lemmy 0.19.4 features (LocalOnly communities, show personal ban status, initial vote display mode depending on remote settings, list hidden posts, list uploaded media, etc.) but more will come in future releases. More info in the changelog on GitHub as always.

    Have a nice weekend and, remember, L. F. E. T. ๐Ÿฆ

  • [announcement] call for localizations ยท translation are now available on Weblate RaccoonForLemmy

    RaccoonForLemmy is being translated into 7 languages using Weblate. Join the translation or start translating your own project.


    Ciao everyone, recently I was asked on the GitHub discussions section of the repository whether it would be possible to host translations on Weblate in order to crowdsource the effort of localization. I had created that thread myself a lot of time ago and forgot about it as it had no interactions. But that user was right, the translation into their language was of poor quality and in my opinion all users deserve to use the app in their native language and have a good experience with it.

    I decided then to move all the resources to Weblate and see if anyone wants to help out. Feel free to add languages, be them national, regional, or even constructed languages, because for me they matter too and, in case you didn't notice, Raccoon is available also in Esperanto and Toki Pona.

    I hope you like this initiative and, as always, thanks for your suggestions, ideas, contributions and support.

  • Navigation buttons in post screen behavior

    The navigation buttons on the post screen work for the most part but I have a minor complaint. If I click the down arrow to move to the next top-level comment, it'll jump to the post before that comment. Now, most of the time this isn't really an issue because it puts the next top-level comment more in the middle of the screen (the last comment from the previous thread is visible above it). However, if that last previous comment is a giant rambling mess that takes up more than a screen's worth of text then the next top-level comment (which I was trying to move to) isn't visible at all.

    I don't know if this is an off-by-one defect or if you were intentionally trying to put the next top-level comment closer to the middle of the screen, but I'd rather jump to having that next top-level comment at the top of the screen so i don't need to see the last comment of the previous thread at all. Does that make since? Did I explain it clearly?

  • [discussion] Let's talk about Lemmy 0.19.4! Can we select and prioritize together which features are going to be implemented and in what order? [api] support Lemmy 0.19.4 ยท Issue #946 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy Here is a subset of the most signif...

    [api] support Lemmy 0.19.4 ยท Issue #946 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    So, recently Lemmy 0.19.4 has been released and it should be the focus of the releases of this client in the following weeks.

    There are no breaking changes (technically) so rest assured that, even if you are on the "stable" channel and do not install the latest development release, things will continue working and the app won't crash or become unresponsive while you are using it.

    Nonetheless, I think there are very interesting features such as the list of all media you have uploaded or the possibility to see all posts you have hidden (provided that you have hidden them permanently, unlike what the app does now i.e. marking them as read and hide them temporarily).

    What are the features that you would like to have and what are the most important ones that you think will bring quality of life improvements to your user experience?

  • Icon redesign

    I'm passionate about creating icons for open source projects, and I noticed that the current icon leans more towards being an illustration rather than an icon. So, I decided to give it a try using Inkscape - what do you think?

  • [release] version 1.11.0 (June 2024) has been released Release 1.11.0 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed feat: add instance admin tools feat: default editor language on a per-instance basis fix: remove blank space above keyboard on some Android versions fix: instance unban fix: stabili...

    Release 1.11.0 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Ciao guys, as usual for thr first week of the month, a new production release has been published!

    This version contains some stability issues (especially when navigating through comments or posts, opening and closing a post detail, etc.), some performance improvements when opening contents or refreshing (for cases that were, at least to me, very annoying) and several layout enhancements (duplicated paddings, progress bars where they shouldn't be, system nav bar color, etc).

    There are a couple of brand new features too, such as admin tools and the default editor language on a per-instance basis, plus the downvote option is not shown any more if it is not allowed by your instance.

    There are lot (trust me, a lot) of under the hood improvements: new unit tests being added, several dependency updates and the whole project was migrated to Kotlin 2.0.0, Compose Multiplatform 1.6.11 and Gradle 8.8. As you may have noticed, this made it also possible to launch iOS builds apart from Android ones, and I dont exclude that in the future I may be working on a desktop port.

    Have a nice month! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ And enjoy the release!

  • [release] 1.11.0-20240529-pre Release 1.11.0-20240529-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed feat: feature posts to local instance in #906 fix: avoid blurring image loading indicator in #886 fix: instance unban in #887 fix: duplicate inter-item spacing in #889 fix: post and...

    Release 1.11.0-20240529-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    So, guys, this is the last development release of this month be prepared for a stable release next time! Even though there are not so many shiny big new features, the only notable one if the ability to mark/remove posts as featured on an instance level for administrators, there are many fixes and under-the-hood improvements, mainly the project has been migrated to Kotlin 2.0.0 and Compose Multiplatform 1.6.10, new tests have been added and there are several fixes for the bugs you have reported in the past week. Additionally, the fact that I've managed to build the iOS counterpart of the app, which had been abandoned forever, gives me hope that one day we'll be able to ship something for other platforms too to increase the adoption of the project.

    Next week I'll be working on a couple of reports I've received recently which I choose not to include in this build because I did not want to delay this release: the ability to set a preferred language community-wise and the navigation bar appearance. And then we'll be ready for 1.11.0!

  • [Feature Request] Default languages on a per community/instance basis?

    I comment text in both English and German. The (now semi-defunct) instance has some/many/most communities that only allow German as language, while on other instances or in communities only English is allowed (or at least that's the only way my comments get posted).

    This creates the problem that I cannot really set a default language tag, because that would regularly delete my comments when the comment doesn't get posted with no or the wrong language tag (because I forgot to add or change the tag.

    I don't know about programming, but I'm not sure how taxing this would be memory- or caching-wise.

  • [announcement] iOS experimental build

    As you may (or may not) know this is a multiplatform project, but I've always given precedence to the Android version because Compose was still in its early stages on iOS.

    But attending to KotlinConf'24 last week was really inspiring for me and gave me the bravery (and a little bit of recklessness) needed to spend a couple of nights staring at build errors and Xcode configuration files to make everything work together again.

    And I did it! I am not going to distribute an iOS version of the app any time soon, but I wanted to just share with you guys that theoretically it could be done, and that's great news!


  • [release] 1.11.0-20240520-pre Release 1.11.0-20240520-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed feat: hide downvote button if not enabled on instance in #864 enhancement: mark replies and mentions as read after interaction in #862 fix: content pagination in #866, #873 fix: lay...

    Release 1.11.0-20240520-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    As anticipated, this development release contains mainly user experience improvements and fixes. The option to downvote a content is not visible any more if the current instance does not allow it, inbox items are marked as read after being opened or voted, the action items are bigger as you requested and an unwanted margin at the start of comments has been removed. Additionally, more unit tests have been added and several navigation, pagination and caching issues have been solved. I'll be away for some days from tomorrow, so until next week! Report any issues on GitHub please, sorry if I don't answer immediately but will take care of everything when I'm back.

  • [roadmap] March W4 2024

    Hi everyone! We are halfway through between version 1.10.x and 1.11... next week I am not going to have much time because I'll be attending KotlinConf '24 (btw, if anyone happens to be there, let me know!). So, what to expect for this project?

    I am continuing on various user experience and layout improvements (especially the inbox section), I've fixed crashes I received reports for and, if I manage, I'll work on a small enhancement which I've been postponing for too long: hide the ability to downvote if your instance does not allow you to do so.

    That's it, enjoy the weekend! I'll publish the next pre-release build on Tuesday May, 21st if you don't mind.

  • [release] 1.11.0-20240516-pre Release 1.11.0-20240516-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed fix: loading indicator in report list and filtered contents in #838, #856 feat: configurable comment indent amount in #839 refactor: use filtered contents to render bookmarks in #84...

    Release 1.11.0-20240516-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Hi guys, new week new development release! This week I have been working to fix some annoying bugs, e. g. a loader incorrectly positioned before video playback, the pull to refresh indicator was a incorrectly positioned in some screens, and a visual bug while replying to a comment.

    Additionally I added a couple of new features, such as administration tools and configurable indent amount for comments which you requested.

    Finally I have made several improvements under the hood, adding new unit tests, refactoring code, reimplementing the bookmarks screen to unify the pagination logic and created a CI workflow in order to enforce state checks, so that non-compliant pull requests cannot be accidentally merged.

    I hope you enjoy it, have a nice weekend, be responsible and, as always, L. F. E. T. ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆ

  • [poll] voting icons, which version do you prefer?

    I am considering a change in the upvote and downvote buttons, which version do you prefer? Or, alternatively, do you have any other proposals? Let me know in the comments.

    Please don't ask me to put a setting for it and have both versions. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • [release] 1.10.2-20240511-pre Release 1.10.2-20240511-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed fix: post body max height in #813 fix: inbox chat layout in #814, #824 fix: add intent for activity alias in #821 fix: chat loading in #822 fix: refresh completely inbox after accou...

    Release 1.10.2-20240511-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Ok, so seemingly even version 1.10.1 wasn't perfect, there was a bug in how the post body max lines setting was enforced, plus a series of small issues (account switching, message loading at the beginning of conversations, the status bar style not being applied correctly with light theme) and several layout that still needed improvements.

    I wanted to address as many issues as possible but not force everyone to update, so here is a development build for those who want to install the latest release.

  • "Post body max lines" creates large gap

    In the Content Appearance settings, the "Post body max lines" doesn't seem to be a "max" value. Instead, it seems to display exactly that many lines. I set my "Post body max lines" to 10, and if the post body has more than 10 lines, Raccoon correctly hides the rest of the body. However, if the post body has fewer than 10 lines, Raccoon still allocates 10 lines of space. This means posts with only one line in the body appear like this: !

    Are you able to shrink that space to match the post body length when it is less than the "max" value? It looks like that setting is also being used as the "min" size.

  • [release] 1.10.1 Release 1.10.1 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed enhancement: select scale mode in image detail in #811 fix: create comment screen in #805 fix: login and account switch in #809, #810 Full Changelog: 1.10.0...1.10.1

    Release 1.10.1 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Did I say "if anything goes wrong I can always release a patch"? Yes I did... and here's the patch.

    This is mainly to solve a bug with the keyboard in coment creation, a bug in account switching and improve the image detail screen.

    Thanks to those who took the time to report these issue and explain them to me.


  • [release] 1.10.0 Release 1.10.0 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's changed improved image viewer new splash screen, alternate icon full width images license screen background check for unread items fade read posts login/title autocompletion show unread com...

    Release 1.10.0 ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Ok, I've decided this month's release is ready, so hopefully soon you should be able to get your updates through the stores.

    This version has so many changes that I really struggled to make everything fit into the character limit, but if you play around you'll notice that there are quite a few new things.

    It is now possible to fade out read posts, import/export app settings in JSON, navigate to previous or next comment in post detail and even navigate to previous/next post if you opened the detail from a list. Other new features are title autocompletion, bot account highlighting, an option to have full width (besides full height) images, custom tabs support, a monochrome alternate app icon, the ability to receive contents from the system "Share" menu and a brand new "sidebar" used to display community and user info.

    Plus, of course, a lot of UI improvements and bug fixes based on your most valuable feedback. Thanks to everyone who dedicated some time to give suggestions, report or fix bugs, and helped in any way.

    You are awesome! And, for those who know me a little bit, maintaining this project makes my life better.

  • [release] 1.10.0-20240505-pre Release 1.10.0-20240505-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed feat: full width images in #763 feat: double tap to zoom image in #765 feat: allow swipe actions on both sides in #783 enhancement: improve FAB icon and animation spec in #751, #761...

    Release 1.10.0-20240505-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    Ok, this week's development release is receiving a lot of feedback (a huge thank you to all contributors!) so I'm splitting its lifecycle in half. I've worked through most of the requests and reports yesterday and I'm releasing a new intermediate release today so that from here until Wednesday I have time to collect further feedback and make further fixes.

    I hope I'll be able to release 1.10.0 soon in order to deliver all updates to users that stick with the stable version, so unless there are blocking bugs or serious things, the next release will be pushed to the stable channel.

    Have a nice weekend, raccoons of Lemmy ๐Ÿฆ L. F. E. T. ๐Ÿฆ

  • [BUG] Blank black space above keyboard when writing into something

    Tried using different Keyboard(Simple Keyboard and Heliboard) but it didn't fixed the issue.

    Using Android 10 Stock ROM.

    Here's Screen Recording

  • Gap in Header on Home Screen

    I use a Tablet BTW.

    Also It take me 2 or more click to open something. Maybe My Hardware problem but old versions don't have this problem.

  • [release] 1.10.0-20240501-pre Release 1.10.0-20240501-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    What's Changed fix: hashtags in links in #720 fix: profile restyling and improvements in #722, #725 enhancement: post card layout in #723 refactor: injectable resources in in #724 fix: do not disp...

    Release 1.10.0-20240501-pre ยท diegoberaldin/RaccoonForLemmy

    As agreed, this is the new pre-release version of 1.0.0. There are some new features such as: opening links in custom tabs, navigation between comments in post detail and to previous/next post in feeds. Some of your requests about link opening and link banner display have been addressed too, plus the profile and login screen have been slightly improved. I had the opportunity to change some things under the hood, like the pagination mechanism, in order to make it possible to navigate to previous/next from the post screen, which was much needed and resulted in cleaner code, even if it took some time to refactor.

  • [poll] release of May W1 stable or beta?

    Hi everyone, I need your opinion about the next release. As you know, each Wednesday I release a new beta version and the first week of each month a stable version.

    Tomorrow would be time for a new prod release but recently I've been working on a lot of new "huge" features such as opening links in custom tabs, comment and post navigation, etc. which nobody except me have tried in real world scenarios. And not everything is opt-out by default, e.g. the pagination logic had to be reviewed in the whole app in order to be able to navigate between posts from each feed.

    Would you like to have stable 1.10.0 tomorrow or a pre-release and skipping the new stable to next week? Personally I would release anyway because if anything goes wrong I can patch it... but if one or two users help me with tests it is worth waiting a week before going into the wild.

    Leave me your thoughts in the comments below and thanks as always!

  • Viewing images in posts (and comments)

    If you tap on an image post's image, Raccoon goes into what I'll call an "image viewer" mode where you can zoom in, download, share, etc. However, if someone embeds an image in the post body (like I did here), then tapping on it in Raccoon does nothing. I was expecting that tapping on an image in the post body would also move into the "image viewer" mode so I could zoom in. Similarly, if someone embeds an image in a comment, tapping on that image will just collapse the comment (as if I'd tapped on the comment body). I was expecting to be able to zoom that image as well. Would either of those enhancements be possible?

    Also, I have an unrelated question (not necessarily a request). On URL posts, Raccoon fetches the image thumbnail from the link. If I click on that image, it also goes into the "image viewer" mode as if it were an image post. Was that intentional? On most other apps I use, tapping the image thumbnail will launch the URL. So I believe in Raccoon, the only way to actually launch the external URL is to click on the URL itself (which isn't visible in Compact mode unless you view the post/comments). If you did this intentionally to allow URL thumbnail zooming then I won't argue with it, I'm just curious if this was an oversight and you're accidentally treating the URL thumbnail as an image post.

  • Hide URL on image posts?

    When using 'Card' or 'Full' Post Layouts, you display the URL at the bottom of the post. That's fantastic and I love it. However, for image posts (for example, memes) the URL is just the address to that lemmy instance's pictrs/image/ path and I don't think it's very helpful.

    Is there a reason why you display the URL when it's just an image? I can understand including that image's direct URL when you long-press and choose the 'Share' option but I don't think it's helpful to always display it on every image. Actually, I think the 'Share' option would be a great place to put this URL since that feature already handles multiple URLs...

    Note that I'm not suggesting adding a settings option to show/hide image URLs. I'm mostly asking if there's a reason to display the image's URL at all, because it feels like you're just treating image posts the same as URL posts rather than making a deliberate decision to show an image's URL.

  • Parent comment navigation?

    In Jerboa, you can enable parent comment navigation buttons, which look like this (up/down arrows at the bottom): !

    I personally really like this feature because if there's a long comment thread I don't care to read, I like hitting the down arrow to jump to the next comment thread in that post. I know I could just collapse the parent comment but I'm usually half-way down a comment thread before realizing "oh... this just keeps going" and that's when I want to jump past it.

    On the main page in Raccoon, you have that navigation bar at the bottom which disappears as you scroll down and slides in when you start scrolling back up (the bar, not the FAB). I'd love to have that exact same type of bar slide in with up/down buttons when reading through a post's comments.

18 Active users