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calhoon2005 calhoon2005
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Comments 160
Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • I supposed to get an email or something...?

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • Hmm... I thought verification would be instant, but apparently not.

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • So has been really slow and unreliable over the last few days. Signing off from this account, and will sign in with a new ! account once it's verified. Way quicker

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • Just found out I need to provide proof of an agreement I've made with my manager, and that he has never responded via email for this particular thing, always just verbal...surprise surprise I still think he is a dick

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • Plus there's funky clowns

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • Tell that to that girl with the lemonade stand in rural America...

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • My eldest got home from a 4 day camp. Probably slept a total of 16 hours I think. This does not work if you are ten.

  • Daily Thread: It's Thor's Day! 22/06/2023
  • I'll tell you what, I'm pretty over this seemingly constant cycle of my kids being sick and needing to stay home from school. Too many people in the house all the time make familycalhoon go crazy!

  • Very Accurate VR Gaming Video sketch from Viva La Dirt League: What VR looks like to NPC's
  • These guys are great. I think my favourite run was the rdr stuff.

  • The Cranberries - Zombie
  • Still such a powerful song. Her vocal lilt gets me everytime.

  • Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Déjà Vu (1970)
  • I think my favourite CSN song is Helplessly Hoping. Not sure about CSNY

  • Do other people think "Tyrannosaurus!" soon as they read the name Mastodon?
  • And pterodactyls weren't dinosaurs. Pterodons were though....I think

  • Favourite Doom Game?
  • I think Eternal. I hadn't played Doom in over 15 years before I played Eternal. The next gen jump was insane.

  • Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)
  • Saw you asking further down. It's cool

  • Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)
  • How to you do this spoiler thing then..?

  • Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)
  • Did anyone here have to coach their kid on how to swallow tablets?... Not something I thought I would need to do with kidcalhoon1, so far, no dice.

  • 💎 Bullion - Time For Us All To Love [Electronic/Dance]
  • ....I don't know how I posted this here. I was responding to a picture of a shark in a swimming pool....

  • Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)
  • Yep. Ended up with a crate full of joysticks. Sometimes, if you left them for a while, they'd start working again. Had about 10 in the crate I think, as my older cousin gave me his. There was always one that worked, but it could take a while to find it.

  • Daily Thread: Wednesday rhymes with… (21 June 2023)
  • I broke so many joysticks playing Summer Olympics.

  • Early evening light in Porepunkah, Vic


    request - sort by new within a thread

    Title. I follow a daily thread, and it would be great to have an option to sorry comments by new within the thread


    Build Inspiration - BlueNerd

    This guy's builds are amazing, and very very detailed. He also minds his language which makes the channel great to watch with kids who are starting out (eg. mine) to get them inspired and informed about what is possible in this game.


    lunch notes

    I started doing lunch notes for my daughter in early school as a way of helping her have a bit of a boost during the day when she was feeling lonely, worried, anxious at school. She's now in grade 4 (younger daughter in grade 1 gets them too). My drawing has improved, and I love doing them everyday day.


    DMB - Tiny Desk Concert - NPR

    This is just amazing. Such an incredible talent.
