Mastodon: @[email protected]
That is a commercial project. Ours is ad-free. So I guess that is not an option.
Thanks for the feedback! We want to add that once we add online shops. Currently we list services and manufacturers but not online shops that are simply online shops (and not manufacturers as well). We want to do this separately to make it more user-friendly and not overload a single section. In the online shop section, we would like to give users the option to select the online shops that deliver to their country.
Thank you! I hadn't heard about them. Added!
Now these are the recommendations we need!
We have quite some in the database already: https://buy-european.net/category/soft-drinks Feel free to suggest more - I will also keep an eye on this thread to make notes.
We have quite some in the database already: https://buy-european.net/category/soft-drinks Feel free to suggest more - I will also keep an eye on this thread to make notes.
Although the title is a bit misleading as Nestlé is Swiss and Unilever is British I still love to see this every couple of years as a reminder.
Yet there is only one promoting/highlighting decentralized networks and that is completely ad-free...
Feel free to add to our database but there are already alternatives listed: https://buy-european.net/alternative-to/zoom
I also only had minor bugs. The biggest pain was this one OP boss (compared to the rest) - don't remember his name, still traumatized.
Appreciate the info! Never really had them on my radar (obviously heard about them) - this changed now!
Appreciate it! Also, please don't get discouraged if it takes a bit longer these days for the entries to get added. We work hard in the background on so many things in parallel to increase our reach and improve the functionality of the database and it's a very small operation. We do our best to balance the work between improvement of the experience, content and outreach.
Exactly, as it is not a specific search it still instantly shows the European products/companies. If you use the search instead you can also search for the Non-European equivalent you want to see the alternatives for. :) So you could search for "YouTube" and get to the page where the YouTube alternatives are shown. But I mean it doesn't really matter that much - whatever you prefer.
Maybe we could switch the link to the frontpage instead of the "categories" subpage? We added a 'Search' button on the front page as the main 'entrance' in order for people to more quickly find what they are looking for. Thanks for all your work for the movement!
Fixed :)
What's the port speed of that bad boy (if you know)?
Thanks for the info! Added to the database.
They deserve lots of love. Also: Cyberpunk was great from the beginning but got better and better...just saying.
Fantastic service - been using it for years and it was already way ahead years ago.
European Alternatives - Business Software

The next infographic is ready. Any feedback is appreciated!
Buy-European.net - European database for products, services, brands and companies
Find the best European products and brands as alternatives to international options.

Thanks for the shoutout, [email protected]
If anyone wants to contribute, we appreciate suggestions using the "Submit suggestion" form on the website: https://buy-european.net/suggest
Quick info about our approach: We list both European businesses as well as open source/decentralized solutions (as there is no specific location). We want to support European businesses as well as the idea of open source/decentralized services.
We currently do NOT evaluate the quality of the entries ethically/morally - we simply list companies with a European headquarter. This is because tbh we currently don't have time for more and would want to lay out a framework that is transparent and evaluated by multiple parties to ensure objectivity.
Ideas like evaluating whether the company actually produces either in the EU, in Europe or outside Europe might be factors in the future for a rating (gold, silver, bronze or something similar) but currently the focus is and will for the near future stay on listing all as many European options as possible which is a lot of work.
We also list European companies that are owned by foreign entities as they still fall under European legislation. This will probably not change in the future but similar to the above mentioned a ranking that takes this into account might be added in the future.
Hope that helps.